
class ImagesBatch(index, dataset=None, pipeline=None, preloaded=None, copy=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: batchflow.batch_image.BaseImagesBatch

Batch class for 2D images.

Images are stored as numpy arrays of PIL.Image.

PIL.Image has the following system of coordinates:

  0 -------------- >
  |  images's pixels
Y v

Pixel’s position is defined as (x, y)

Note, that if any class method is wrapped with @apply_parallel decorator than for inner calls (i.e. from other class methods) should be used version of desired method with underscores. (For example, if there is a decorated method than you need to call _method_ from inside of other_method). Same is applicable for all child classes of batch.Batch.

add(image, term=1.0, clip=False, preserve_type=False)[source]

Add term to each pixel.

  • term (float, sequence) –

  • clip (bool) – whether to force image’s pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.]

  • preserve_type (bool) – Whether to preserve dtype of transformed images. If False is given then the resulting type will be np.float.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

add_components(components, init=None)

Add new components

  • components (str or list) – new component names

  • init (array-like) – initial component data


ValueError – If a component or an attribute with the given name already exists

additive_noise(image, noise, clip=False, preserve_type=False)[source]

Add additive noise to an image.

  • noise (callable) – Distribution. Must have size parameter.

  • clip (bool) – whether to force image’s pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.]

  • preserve_type (bool) – Whether to preserve dtype of transformed images. If False is given then the resulting type will be np.float.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

apply_defaults = {'dst': 'images', 'post': '_assemble', 'src': 'images', 'target': 'for'}
apply_parallel(func, init=None, post=None, src=None, dst=None, *args, p=None, target='for', requires_rng=False, rng_seeds=None, **kwargs)

Apply a function to each item in the container, returned by init, and assemble results by post. Depending on the target parameter, different parallelization engines may be used: for, threads, MPC, async.

Roughly, under the hood we perform the following:
  • compute parameters, individual for each worker. Currently, these are:
    • p to indicate whether the function should be applied

    • worker id and a seed for random generator, if required

  • call init function, which outputs a container of items, passed directly to the func.

The simplest example is the init funciton that returns batch indices, and the function works off of each. - wrap the func call into parallelization engine of choice. - compute results of func calls for each item, returned by init - assemble results by post function, e.g. stack the obtained numpy arrays.

In the simplest possible case of init=None, src=images, dst=images_transformed, post=None, this function is almost equivalent to:

container = [func(item, *args, **kwargs) for item in self.images] self.images_transformed = container

If src is a list and dst is a list, then this function is applied recursively to each pair of src, dst. If src is a tuple, then this tuple is used as a whole. This allows to make functions that work on multiple components.

  • func (callable) – A function to apply to each item from the source. Should accept src and dst parameters, or be written in a way that accepts variable args.

  • target (str) –

    Parallelization engine:
    • ’f’, ‘for’ for executing each worker sequentially, like in a for-loop.

    • ’t’, ‘threads’ for using threads.

    • ’m’, ‘mpc’ for using processes. Note the bigger overhead for process initialization.

    • ’a’, ‘async’ for asynchronous execution.

  • init (str, callable or container) –

    Function to init data for individual workers: must return a container of items.

    If ‘data’, then use src components as the init. If other str, then must be a name of the attribute of the batch to use as the init. If callable or any previous returned a callable, then result of this callable is used as the init. Note that in the last case callable should accept src and dst parameters, and kwargs are also passed. If not any of the above, then the object is used directly, for example, np.ndarray.

  • post (str or callable) – Function to apply to the results of function evaluation on each item. Must accept src and dst parameters, as well as kwargs.

  • src (str, sequence, list of str) – The source to get data from: - None - str - a component name, e.g. ‘images’ or ‘masks’ - tuple or list of str - several component names - sequence - data as a numpy-array, data frame, etc

  • dst (str or array) – the destination to put the result in, can be: - None - in this case dst is set to be same as src - str - a component name, e.g. ‘images’ or ‘masks’ - tuple or list of str, e.g. [‘images’, ‘masks’] If not provided, uses src.

  • p (float or None) – Probability of applying func to an element in the batch.

  • requires_rng (bool) – Whether the func requires RNG. Should be used for correctly initialized seeds for reproducibility. If True, then a pre-initialized RNG will be passed to the function call as rng keyword parameter.

  • args – Other parameters passed to func.

  • kwargs – Other parameters passed to func.


apply_parallel does the following (but in parallel):

for item in range(len(batch)):
    self.dst[item] = func(self.src[item], *args, **kwargs)

apply_parallel(func, src=[‘images’, ‘masks’]) is equal to apply_parallel(func, src=[‘images’, ‘masks’], dst=[‘images’, ‘masks’]), which in turn equals to two subsequent calls:

images = func(images)
masks = func(masks)

However, named expressions will be evaluated only once before the first call.

Whereas apply_parallel(func, src=(‘images’, ‘masks’)) (i.e. when src takes a tuple of component names, not the list as in the previous example) passes both components data into func simultaneously:

images, masks = func((images, masks))


apply_parallel(make_masks_fn, src='images', dst='masks')
apply_parallel(apply_mask, src=('images', 'masks'), dst='images_with_masks')
apply_parallel(rotate, src=['images', 'masks'], dst=['images', 'masks'], p=.2)
apply_parallel(MyBatch.some_static_method, p=.5)
apply_parallel(B.some_method, src='features', p=.5)

TODO: move logic of applying post function from inbatch_parallel here, as well as remove use_self arg.

property array_of_nones

NumPy array with None values.


1-D ndarray

as_dataset(dataset=None, copy=False)

Makes a new dataset from batch data

  • dataset – an instance or a subclass of Dataset

  • copy (bool) – whether to copy batch data to allow for further inplace transformations


Return type

an instance of a class specified by dataset arg, preloaded with this batch data

clip(image, low=0, high=255)[source]

Truncate image’s pixels.

  • low (int, float, sequence) – Actual pixel’s value is equal max(value, low). If sequence is given, then its length must coincide with the number of channels in an image and each channel is thresholded separately

  • high (int, float, sequence) – Actual pixel’s value is equal min(value, high). If sequence is given, then its length must coincide with the number of channels in an image and each channel is thresholded separately

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

components = ('images', 'labels', 'masks')

Create attributes from kwargs

crop(image, origin, shape, crop_boundaries=False, src=None, dst=None)[source]

Crop an image.

Extract image data from the window of the size given by shape and placed at origin.

  • origin (sequence, str) – Location of the cropping box. See ImagesBatch._calc_origin() for details.

  • shape (sequence) – crop size in the form of (rows, columns)

  • crop_boundaries (bool) – If True then crop is got only from image’s area. Shape of the crop might diverge with the passed one

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.


Using ‘random’ origin with src as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each src element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use R named expression for origin argument.

cutout(image, origin, shape, color)[source]

Fills given areas with color


It is assumed that origins, shapes and colors have the same length.

  • origin (sequence, str) – Location of the cropping box. See ImagesBatch._calc_origin() for details.

  • shape (sequence, int) –

    Shape of a filled box. Can be one of:
    • sequence - crop size in the form of (rows, columns)

    • int - shape has squared form

  • color (sequence, number) –

    Color of a filled box. Can be one of:

    • sequence - (r,g,b) form

    • number - grayscale

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.


Using ‘random’ origin with src as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each src element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use R named expression for origin argument.

property data

tuple or named components - batch data

property data_setter

tuple or named components - batch data

property dataset

Dataset - a dataset the batch has been taken from


Return a deep copy of the batch.

do_nothing(*args, **kwargs)

An empty action (might be convenient in complicated pipelines)

dump(*args, dst=None, fmt=None, components='images', **kwargs)

Dump data.


If fmt=’images’ than dst must be a single component (str).


All parameters must be named only.

  • dst (str, None) – Path to the folder where to dump. If dst is None then path is determined from the index.

  • fmt ({'image', 'blosc', 'csv', 'hdf5', 'feather'}) – Format of the file to save.

  • components (str, sequence) – Components to save.

  • ext (str) – Format to save images to.


Return type


elastic_transform(image, alpha, sigma, **kwargs)[source]

Deformation of images as described by Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis <>_.

Code slightly differs from

  • alpha (number) – maximum of vectors’ norms.

  • sigma (number) – Smooth factor.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

enhance(image, layout='hcbs', factor=(1, 1, 1, 1))[source]

Apply enhancements from PIL.ImageEnhance to the image.

  • layout (str) – defines layout of operations, default is hcbs: h - color c - contrast b - brightness s - sharpness

  • factor (float or tuple of float) – factor of enhancement for each operation listed in layout.

filter(image, mode, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Filters an image. Calls image.filter(getattr(PIL.ImageFilter, mode)(*args, **kwargs)).

For more details see ImageFilter <>_.

  • mode (str) – Name of the filter.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

flip(image, mode='lr', src=None, dst=None)[source]

Flips image.

  • mode ({'lr', 'ud'}) –

    • ‘lr’ - apply the left/right flip

    • ’ud’ - apply the upside/down flip

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

classmethod from_data(index=None, data=None)

Create a batch from data given

get(item=None, component=None)

Return an item from the batch or the component


Return additional attrs as kwargs


Return a list of errors from a parallel action

property image_shape

tuple - shape of the image

property indices

numpy array - an array with the indices

invert(image, channels='all')[source]

Invert givn channels.

  • channels (int, sequence) – Indices of the channels to invert.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

property items

list - batch items

load(*args, src=None, fmt=None, dst=None, **kwargs)

Load data.


if fmt=’images’ than components must be a single component (str).


All parameters must be named only.

  • src (str, None) – Path to the folder with data. If src is None then path is determined from the index.

  • fmt ({'image', 'blosc', 'csv', 'hdf5', 'feather'}) – Format of the file to download.

  • dst (str, sequence) – components to download.

classmethod merge(batches, batch_size=None, components=None, batch_class=None)

Merge several batches to form a new batch of a given size

  • batches (tuple of batches) –

  • batch_size (int or None) – if None, just merge all batches into one batch (the rest will be None), if int, then make one batch of batch_size and a batch with the rest of data.

  • components (str, tuple or None) – if None, all components from initial batches will be created, if str or tuple, then create these components in new batches.

  • batch_class (Batch or None) – if None, created batches will be of the same class as initial batch, if Batch, created batches will be of that class.


batch, rest

Return type

tuple of two batches


ValueError – If component is None in some batches and not None in others.

classmethod merge_component(component=None, data=None)

Merge the same component data from several batches

multiplicative_noise(image, noise, clip=False, preserve_type=False)[source]

Add multiplicative noise to an image.

  • noise (callable) – Distribution. Must have size parameter.

  • clip (bool) – whether to force image’s pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.]

  • preserve_type (bool) – Whether to preserve dtype of transformed images. If False is given then the resulting type will be np.float.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

multiply(image, multiplier=1.0, clip=False, preserve_type=False, src=None, dst=None)[source]

Multiply each pixel by the given multiplier.

  • multiplier (float, sequence) –

  • clip (bool) – whether to force image’s pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.]

  • preserve_type (bool) – Whether to preserve dtype of transformed images. If False is given then the resulting type will be np.float.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

pad(image, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls PIL.ImageOps.expand.

For more details see

  • offset (sequence) – Size of the borders in pixels. The order is (left, top, right, bottom).

  • mode ({'const', 'wrap'}) – Filling mode

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

pil_convert(image, mode='L')[source]

Convert image. Actually calls image.convert(mode).

  • mode (str) – Pass ‘L’ to convert to grayscale

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

property pipeline

Pipeline - a pipeline the batch is being used in

posterize(image, bits=4)[source]

Posterizes image.

More concretely, it quantizes pixels’ values so that they have``2^bits`` colors

  • bits (int) – Number of bits used to store a color’s component.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

put_on_background(image, background, origin, mask=None)[source]

Put an image on a background at given origin

  • background (PIL.Image, np.ndarray of np.uint8) – Blank background to put image on.

  • origin (sequence, str) – Location of the cropping box. See ImagesBatch._calc_origin() for details.

  • mask (None, PIL.Image, np.ndarray of np.uint8) – mask passed to PIL.Image.paste


Using ‘random’ origin with src as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each src element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use R named expression for origin argument.

property random

A random number generator numpy.random.Generator. Use it instead of np.random for reproducibility.


x = self.random.normal(0, 1)
property random_seed

SeedSequence for random number generation

resize(image, size, src=None, dst=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls image.resize(*args, **kwargs).

For more details see <>_.

  • size (tuple) – the resulting size of the image. If one of the components of tuple is None, corresponding dimension will be proportionally resized.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

rotate(image, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Rotates an image.

kwargs are passed to PIL.Image.rotate

  • angle (Number) – In degrees counter clockwise.

  • resample (int) – Interpolation order

  • expand (bool) – Whether to expand the output to hold the whole image. Default is False.

  • center ((Number, Number)) – Center of rotation. Default is the center of the image.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

run_once(*args, **kwargs)

Init function for no parallelism Useful for async action-methods (will wait till the method finishes)

salt(image, p_noise=0.015, color=255, size=(1, 1))[source]

Set random pixel on image to givan value.

Every pixel will be set to color value with probability p_noise.

  • p_noise (float) – Probability of salting a pixel.

  • color (float, int, sequence, callable) –

    Color’s value.

    • int, float, sequence – value of color

    • callable – color is sampled for every chosen pixel (rules are the same as for int, float and sequence)

  • size (int, sequence of int, callable) –

    Size of salt

    • int – square salt with side size

    • sequence – recangular salt in the form (row, columns)

    • callable – size is sampled for every chosen pixel (rules are the same as for int and sequence)

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

save(*args, **kwargs)

Save batch data to a file (an alias for dump method)

scale(image, factor, preserve_shape=False, origin='center', resample=0)[source]

Scale the content of each image in the batch.

Resulting shape is obtained as original_shape * factor.

  • factor (float, sequence) –

    resulting shape is obtained as original_shape * factor

    • float - scale all axes with the given factor

    • sequence (factor_1, factort_2, …) - scale each axis with the given factor separately

  • preserve_shape (bool) – whether to preserve the shape of the image after scaling

  • origin (array-like, {'center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random'}) –

    Relevant only if preserve_shape is True. If scale < 1, defines position of the scaled image with respect to the original one’s shape. If scale > 1, defines position of cropping box.

    Can be one of:

    • ’center’ - place the center of the input image on the center of the background and crop the input image accordingly.

    • ’top_left’ - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the upper-left of the background and crop the input image accordingly.

    • ’top_right’ - crop an image such that upper-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide

    • ’bottom_left’ - crop an image such that lower-left corners of an image and the cropping box coincide

    • ’bottom_right’ - crop an image such that lower-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide

    • ’random’ - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the randomly sampled position in the background. Position is sampled uniformly such that there is no need for cropping.

    • array_like - sequence of ints or sequence of floats in [0, 1) interval; place the upper-left corner of the input image on the given position in the background. If origin is a sequence of floats in [0, 1), it defines a relative position of the origin in a valid region of image.

  • resample (int) – Parameter passed to PIL.Image.resize. Interpolation order

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.


Using ‘random’ option for origin with src as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each src element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use R named expression for origin argument.


Return type


shift(image, offset, mode='const', src=None, dst=None)[source]

Shifts an image.

  • offset ((Number, Number)) –

  • mode ({'const', 'wrap'}) – How to fill borders

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

property size

int - number of items in the batch

split_to_patches(ix, patch_shape, stride=1, drop_last=False, src='images', dst=None)[source]

Splits image to patches.

Small images with the same shape (patch_shape) are cropped from the original one with stride stride.

  • patch_shape (int, sequence) – Patch’s shape in the from (rows, columns). If int is given then patches have square shape.

  • stride (int, square) – Step of the moving window from which patches are cropped. If int is given then the window has square shape.

  • drop_last (bool) – Whether to drop patches whose window covers area out of the image. If False is passed then these patches are cropped from the edge of an image. See more in tutorials.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

to_array(comp, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, channels='last', **kwargs)

Converts batch components to np.ndarray format

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • dtype (str or np.dtype) – Data type

  • channels (None, 'first' or 'last') – the dimension for channels axis

to_pil(image, mode=None)[source]

converts images in Batch to PIL format

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

transform(image, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls image.transform(*args, **kwargs).

For more information see <>_.

  • src (str) – Component to get images from. Default is ‘images’.

  • dst (str) – Component to write images to. Default is ‘images’.

  • p (float) – Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1.

ImagesBatch._calc_origin(image_shape, origin, background_shape)[source]

Calculate coordinate of the input image with respect to the background.

  • image_shape (sequence) – shape of the input image.

  • origin (array_like, sequence, {'center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random'}) –

    Position of the input image with respect to the background. Can be one of:
    • ’center’ - place the center of the input image on the center of the background and crop the input image accordingly.

    • ’top_left’ - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the upper-left of the background and crop the input image accordingly.

    • ’top_right’ - crop an image such that upper-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide

    • ’bottom_left’ - crop an image such that lower-left corners of an image and the cropping box coincide

    • ’bottom_right’ - crop an image such that lower-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide

    • ’random’ - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the randomly sampled position in the background. Position is sampled uniformly such that there is no need for cropping.

    • other - sequence of ints or sequence of floats in [0, 1) interval; place the upper-left corner of the input image on the given position in the background. If origin is a sequence of floats in [0, 1), it defines a relative position of the origin in a valid region of image.

  • background_shape (sequence) – shape of the background image.



Return type

calculated origin in the form (column, row)