Source code for batchflow.batch_image

""" Contains Batch classes for images """
import os
import warnings
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
    import PIL
    import PIL.ImageOps
    import PIL.ImageChops
    import PIL.ImageFilter
    import PIL.ImageEnhance
except ImportError:

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates

from .batch import Batch
from .decorators import action, apply_parallel, inbatch_parallel
from .dsindex import FilesIndex

class BaseImagesBatch(Batch):
    """ Batch class for 2D images.

    Note, that if any class method is wrapped with `@apply_parallel` decorator
    than for inner calls (i.e. from other class methods) should be used version
    of desired method with underscores. (For example, if there is a decorated
    `method` than you need to call `_method_` from inside of `other_method`).
    Same is applicable for all child classes of :class:`batch.Batch`.
    components = "images", "labels", "masks"
    # Class-specific defaults for :meth:`.Batch.apply_parallel`
    apply_defaults = dict(target='for',

    def _make_path(self, ix, src=None):
        """ Compose path.

        ix : str
            element's index (filename)
        src : str
            Path to folder with images. Used if `self.index` is not `FilesIndex`.

        path : str
            Full path to an element.

        if isinstance(src, FilesIndex):
            path = src.get_fullpath(ix)
        elif isinstance(self.index, FilesIndex):
            path = self.index.get_fullpath(ix)
            path = os.path.join(src, str(ix))
        return path

    def _load_image(self, ix, src=None, fmt=None, dst="images"):
        """ Loads image.

        .. note:: Please note that ``dst`` must be ``str`` only, sequence is not allowed here.

        src : str, dataset.FilesIndex, None
            path to the folder with an image. If src is None then it is determined from the index.
        dst : str
            Component to write images to.
        fmt : str
            Format of the an image

            If this method is not defined in a child class
        _ = self, ix, src, dst, fmt
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in a child class")

    def load(self, *args, src=None, fmt=None, dst=None, **kwargs):
        """ Load data.

        .. note:: if `fmt='images'` than ``components`` must be a single component (str).
        .. note:: All parameters must be named only.

        src : str, None
            Path to the folder with data. If src is None then path is determined from the index.
        fmt : {'image', 'blosc', 'csv', 'hdf5', 'feather'}
            Format of the file to download.
        dst : str, sequence
            components to download.
        if fmt == 'image':
            return self._load_image(src, fmt=fmt, dst=dst)
        return super().load(src=src, fmt=fmt, dst=dst, *args, **kwargs)

    def _dump_image(self, ix, src='images', dst=None, fmt=None):
        """ Saves image to dst.

        .. note:: Please note that ``src`` must be ``str`` only, sequence is not allowed here.

        src : str
            Component to get images from.
        dst : str
            Folder where to dump. If dst is None then it is determined from index.

            If this method is not defined in a child class
        _ = self, ix, src, dst, fmt
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in a child class")

    def dump(self, *args, dst=None, fmt=None, components="images", **kwargs):
        """ Dump data.

        .. note:: If `fmt='images'` than ``dst`` must be a single component (str).

        .. note:: All parameters must be named only.

        dst : str, None
            Path to the folder where to dump. If dst is None then path is determined from the index.
        fmt : {'image', 'blosc', 'csv', 'hdf5', 'feather'}
            Format of the file to save.
        components : str, sequence
            Components to save.
        ext: str
            Format to save images to.

        if fmt == 'image':
            return self._dump_image(components, dst, fmt=kwargs.pop('ext'))
        return super().dump(dst=dst, fmt=fmt, components=components, *args, **kwargs)

[docs]class ImagesBatch(BaseImagesBatch): """ Batch class for 2D images. Images are stored as numpy arrays of PIL.Image. PIL.Image has the following system of coordinates:: X 0 -------------- > | | | images's pixels | | Y v Pixel's position is defined as (x, y) Note, that if any class method is wrapped with `@apply_parallel` decorator than for inner calls (i.e. from other class methods) should be used version of desired method with underscores. (For example, if there is a decorated `method` than you need to call `_method_` from inside of `other_method`). Same is applicable for all child classes of :class:`batch.Batch`. """ @classmethod def _get_image_shape(cls, image): if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): return image.size return image.shape[:2] @property def image_shape(self): """: tuple - shape of the image""" _, shapes_count = np.unique([image.size for image in self.images], return_counts=True, axis=0) if len(shapes_count) == 1: if isinstance(self.images[0], PIL.Image.Image): return (*self.images[0].size, len(self.images[0].getbands())) return self.images[0].shape raise RuntimeError('Images have different shapes') @inbatch_parallel(init='indices', post='_assemble') def _load_image(self, ix, src=None, fmt=None, dst="images"): """ Loads image .. note:: Please note that ``dst`` must be ``str`` only, sequence is not allowed here. Parameters ---------- src : str, dataset.FilesIndex, None Path to the folder with an image. If src is None then it is determined from the index. dst : str Component to write images to. fmt : str Format of an image. """ return, src)) @inbatch_parallel(init='indices') def _dump_image(self, ix, src='images', dst=None, fmt=None): """ Saves image to dst. .. note:: Please note that ``src`` must be ``str`` only, sequence is not allowed here. Parameters ---------- src : str Component to get images from. dst : str Folder where to dump. fmt : str Format of saved image. """ if dst is None: raise RuntimeError('You must specify `dst`') image = self.get(ix, src) ix = str(ix) + '.' + fmt if fmt is not None else str(ix), ix)) def _assemble_component(self, result, *args, component='images', **kwargs): """ Assemble one component after parallel execution. Parameters ---------- result : sequence, array_like Results after inbatch_parallel. component : str component to assemble """ _ = args, kwargs if isinstance(result[0], PIL.Image.Image): setattr(self, component, np.asarray(result, dtype=object)) else: try: setattr(self, component, np.stack(result)) except ValueError: array_result = np.empty(len(result), dtype=object) array_result[:] = result setattr(self, component, array_result)
[docs] @apply_parallel def to_pil(self, image, mode=None): """converts images in Batch to PIL format Parameters ---------- src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. """ if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): return image if mode is None: if len(image.shape) == 2: mode = 'L' elif len(image.shape) == 3: if image.shape[-1] == 3: mode = 'RGB' elif image.shape[-1] == 1: mode = 'L' image = image[:, :, 0] elif image.shape[-1] == 2: mode = 'LA' elif image.shape[-1] == 4: mode = 'RGBA' else: raise ValueError('Unknown image type as image has', image.shape[-1], 'channels') elif mode == 'L' and len(image.shape) == 3: image = image[..., 0] return PIL.Image.fromarray(image, mode)
[docs] def _calc_origin(self, image_shape, origin, background_shape): """ Calculate coordinate of the input image with respect to the background. Parameters ---------- image_shape : sequence shape of the input image. origin : array_like, sequence, {'center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random'} Position of the input image with respect to the background. Can be one of: - 'center' - place the center of the input image on the center of the background and crop the input image accordingly. - 'top_left' - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the upper-left of the background and crop the input image accordingly. - 'top_right' - crop an image such that upper-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'bottom_left' - crop an image such that lower-left corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'bottom_right' - crop an image such that lower-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'random' - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the randomly sampled position in the background. Position is sampled uniformly such that there is no need for cropping. - other - sequence of ints or sequence of floats in [0, 1) interval; place the upper-left corner of the input image on the given position in the background. If `origin` is a sequence of floats in [0, 1), it defines a relative position of the origin in a valid region of image. background_shape : sequence shape of the background image. Returns ------- sequence : calculated origin in the form (column, row) """ if isinstance(origin, str): if origin == 'top_left': origin = 0, 0 elif origin == 'top_right': origin = (background_shape[0]-image_shape[0]+1, 0) elif origin == 'bottom_left': origin = (0, background_shape[1]-image_shape[1]+1) elif origin == 'bottom_right': origin = (background_shape[0]-image_shape[0]+1, background_shape[1]-image_shape[1]+1) elif origin == 'center': origin = np.maximum(0, np.asarray(background_shape) - image_shape) // 2 elif origin == 'random': origin = (np.random.randint(background_shape[0]-image_shape[0]+1), np.random.randint(background_shape[1]-image_shape[1]+1)) else: msg = "If string, origin should be one of ['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', "\ f"'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random']. Got '{origin}'." raise ValueError(msg) elif all(0 <= elem < 1 for elem in origin): region = ((background_shape[0]-image_shape[0]+1), (background_shape[1]-image_shape[1]+1)) origin = np.asarray(origin) * region elif not all(isinstance(elem, int) for elem in origin): msg = "If not a string, origin should be either a sequence of ints or "\ f"sequence of floats in [0, 1) interval. Got {origin}" raise ValueError(msg) return np.asarray(origin, dtype=np.int64)
[docs] @apply_parallel def scale(self, image, factor, preserve_shape=False, origin='center', resample=0): """ Scale the content of each image in the batch. Resulting shape is obtained as original_shape * factor. Parameters ----------- factor : float, sequence resulting shape is obtained as original_shape * factor - float - scale all axes with the given factor - sequence (factor_1, factort_2, ...) - scale each axis with the given factor separately preserve_shape : bool whether to preserve the shape of the image after scaling origin : array-like, {'center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random'} Relevant only if `preserve_shape` is True. If `scale` < 1, defines position of the scaled image with respect to the original one's shape. If `scale` > 1, defines position of cropping box. Can be one of: - 'center' - place the center of the input image on the center of the background and crop the input image accordingly. - 'top_left' - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the upper-left of the background and crop the input image accordingly. - 'top_right' - crop an image such that upper-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'bottom_left' - crop an image such that lower-left corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'bottom_right' - crop an image such that lower-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'random' - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the randomly sampled position in the background. Position is sampled uniformly such that there is no need for cropping. - array_like - sequence of ints or sequence of floats in [0, 1) interval; place the upper-left corner of the input image on the given position in the background. If `origin` is a sequence of floats in [0, 1), it defines a relative position of the origin in a valid region of image. resample: int Parameter passed to PIL.Image.resize. Interpolation order src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. Notes ----- Using 'random' option for origin with `src` as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each `src` element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use `R` named expression for `origin` argument. Returns ------- self """ original_shape = self._get_image_shape(image) rescaled_shape = list(np.int32(np.ceil(np.asarray(original_shape)*factor))) rescaled_image = image.resize(rescaled_shape, resample=resample) if preserve_shape: rescaled_image = self._preserve_shape(original_shape, rescaled_image, origin) return rescaled_image
[docs] @apply_parallel def crop(self, image, origin, shape, crop_boundaries=False, src=None, dst=None): """ Crop an image. Extract image data from the window of the size given by `shape` and placed at `origin`. Parameters ---------- origin : sequence, str Location of the cropping box. See :meth:`.ImagesBatch._calc_origin` for details. shape : sequence crop size in the form of (rows, columns) crop_boundaries : bool If `True` then crop is got only from image's area. Shape of the crop might diverge with the passed one src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. Notes ----- Using 'random' origin with `src` as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each `src` element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use `R` named expression for `origin` argument. """ _ = src, dst origin = self._calc_origin(shape, origin, image.size) right_bottom = origin + shape if crop_boundaries: out_of_boundaries = origin < 0 origin[out_of_boundaries] = 0 image_shape = np.asarray(image.size) out_of_boundaries = right_bottom > image_shape right_bottom[out_of_boundaries] = image_shape[out_of_boundaries] return image.crop((*origin, *right_bottom))
[docs] @apply_parallel def put_on_background(self, image, background, origin, mask=None): """ Put an image on a background at given origin Parameters ---------- background : PIL.Image, np.ndarray of np.uint8 Blank background to put image on. origin : sequence, str Location of the cropping box. See :meth:`.ImagesBatch._calc_origin` for details. mask : None, PIL.Image, np.ndarray of np.uint8 mask passed to PIL.Image.paste Notes ----- Using 'random' origin with `src` as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each `src` element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use `R` named expression for `origin` argument. """ if not isinstance(background, PIL.Image.Image): background = PIL.Image.fromarray(background) else: background = background.copy() if not isinstance(mask, PIL.Image.Image): mask = PIL.Image.fromarray(mask) if mask is not None else None origin = list(self._calc_origin(self._get_image_shape(image), origin, self._get_image_shape(background))) background.paste(image, origin, mask) return background
def _preserve_shape(self, original_shape, transformed_image, origin='center'): """ Change the transformed image's shape by cropping and adding empty pixels to fit the shape of original image. Parameters ---------- original_shape : sequence transformed_image : np.ndarray input_origin : array-like, {'center', 'top_left', 'random'} Position of the scaled image with respect to the original one's shape. - 'center' - place the center of the input image on the center of the background and crop the input image accordingly. - 'top_left' - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the upper-left of the background and crop the input image accordingly. - 'top_right' - crop an image such that upper-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'bottom_left' - crop an image such that lower-left corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'bottom_right' - crop an image such that lower-right corners of an image and the cropping box coincide - 'random' - place the upper-left corner of the input image on the randomly sampled position in the background. Position is sampled uniformly such that there is no need for cropping. - array_like - sequence of ints or sequence of floats in [0, 1) interval; place the upper-left corner of the input image on the given position in the background. If `origin` is a sequence of floats in [0, 1), it defines a relative position of the origin in a valid region of image. crop_origin: array-like, {'center', 'top_left', 'random'} Position of crop from transformed image. Has same values as `input_origin`. Returns ------- np.ndarray : image after described actions """ transformed_shape = self._get_image_shape(transformed_image) if np.any(np.array(transformed_shape) < np.array(original_shape)): n_channels = len(transformed_image.getbands()) if n_channels == 1: background = np.zeros(original_shape, dtype=np.uint8) else: background = np.zeros((*original_shape, n_channels), dtype=np.uint8) return self._put_on_background_(transformed_image, background, origin) return self._crop_(transformed_image, origin, original_shape, True)
[docs] @apply_parallel def filter(self, image, mode, *args, **kwargs): """ Filters an image. Calls ``image.filter(getattr(PIL.ImageFilter, mode)(*args, **kwargs))``. For more details see `ImageFilter <>_`. Parameters ---------- mode : str Name of the filter. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ return image.filter(getattr(PIL.ImageFilter, mode)(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] @apply_parallel def transform(self, image, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls ``image.transform(*args, **kwargs)``. For more information see `<>_`. Parameters ---------- src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ size = kwargs.pop('size', self._get_image_shape(image)) return image.transform(*args, size=size, **kwargs)
[docs] @apply_parallel def resize(self, image, size, src=None, dst=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls ``image.resize(*args, **kwargs)``. For more details see `<>_`. Parameters ---------- size : tuple the resulting size of the image. If one of the components of tuple is None, corresponding dimension will be proportionally resized. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ _ = src, dst if size[0] is None and size[1] is None: raise ValueError('At least one component of the parameter "size" must be a number.') if size[0] is None: new_size = (int(image.size[0] * size[1] / image.size[1]), size[1]) elif size[1] is None: new_size = (size[0], int(image.size[1] * size[0] / image.size[0])) else: new_size = size return image.resize(new_size, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @apply_parallel def shift(self, image, offset, mode='const', src=None, dst=None): """ Shifts an image. Parameters ---------- offset : (Number, Number) mode : {'const', 'wrap'} How to fill borders src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ _ = src, dst if mode == 'const': image = image.transform(size=image.size, method=PIL.Image.AFFINE, data=(1, 0, -offset[0], 0, 1, -offset[1])) elif mode == 'wrap': image = PIL.ImageChops.offset(image, *offset) else: raise ValueError("mode must be one of ['const', 'wrap']") return image
[docs] @apply_parallel def pad(self, image, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls ``PIL.ImageOps.expand``. For more details see `<>`_. Parameters ---------- offset : sequence Size of the borders in pixels. The order is (left, top, right, bottom). mode : {'const', 'wrap'} Filling mode src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ return PIL.ImageOps.expand(image, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @apply_parallel def rotate(self, image, *args, **kwargs): """ Rotates an image. kwargs are passed to PIL.Image.rotate Parameters ---------- angle: Number In degrees counter clockwise. resample: int Interpolation order expand: bool Whether to expand the output to hold the whole image. Default is False. center: (Number, Number) Center of rotation. Default is the center of the image. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ return image.rotate(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @apply_parallel def flip(self, image, mode='lr', src=None, dst=None): """ Flips image. Parameters ---------- mode : {'lr', 'ud'} - 'lr' - apply the left/right flip - 'ud' - apply the upside/down flip src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ _ = src, dst if mode == 'lr': return PIL.ImageOps.mirror(image) return PIL.ImageOps.flip(image)
[docs] @apply_parallel def invert(self, image, channels='all'): """ Invert givn channels. Parameters ---------- channels : int, sequence Indices of the channels to invert. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ if channels == 'all': image = PIL.ImageChops.invert(image) else: bands = list(image.split()) channels = (channels,) if isinstance(channels, Number) else channels for channel in channels: bands[channel] = PIL.ImageChops.invert(bands[channel]) image = PIL.Image.merge('RGB', bands) return image
[docs] @apply_parallel def salt(self, image, p_noise=.015, color=255, size=(1, 1)): """ Set random pixel on image to givan value. Every pixel will be set to ``color`` value with probability ``p_noise``. Parameters ---------- p_noise : float Probability of salting a pixel. color : float, int, sequence, callable Color's value. - int, float, sequence -- value of color - callable -- color is sampled for every chosen pixel (rules are the same as for int, float and sequence) size : int, sequence of int, callable Size of salt - int -- square salt with side ``size`` - sequence -- recangular salt in the form (row, columns) - callable -- size is sampled for every chosen pixel (rules are the same as for int and sequence) src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ mask_size = np.asarray(self._get_image_shape(image)) mask_salt = np.random.binomial(1, p_noise, size=mask_size).astype(bool) image = np.array(image) if isinstance(size, (tuple, int)) and size in [1, (1, 1)] and not callable(color): image[mask_salt] = color else: size_lambda = size if callable(size) else lambda: size color_lambda = color if callable(color) else lambda: color mask_salt = np.where(mask_salt) for i in range(len(mask_salt[0])): current_size = size_lambda() current_size = (current_size, current_size) if isinstance(current_size, Number) else current_size left_top = np.asarray((mask_salt[0][i], mask_salt[1][i])) right_bottom = np.minimum(left_top + current_size, self._get_image_shape(image)) image[left_top[0]:right_bottom[0], left_top[1]:right_bottom[1]] = color_lambda() return PIL.Image.fromarray(image)
[docs] @apply_parallel def clip(self, image, low=0, high=255): """ Truncate image's pixels. Parameters ---------- low : int, float, sequence Actual pixel's value is equal max(value, low). If sequence is given, then its length must coincide with the number of channels in an image and each channel is thresholded separately high : int, float, sequence Actual pixel's value is equal min(value, high). If sequence is given, then its length must coincide with the number of channels in an image and each channel is thresholded separately src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ if isinstance(low, Number): low = tuple([low]*3) if isinstance(high, Number): high = tuple([high]*3) high ='RGB', image.size, high) low ='RGB', image.size, low) return PIL.ImageChops.lighter(PIL.ImageChops.darker(image, high), low)
[docs] @apply_parallel def enhance(self, image, layout='hcbs', factor=(1, 1, 1, 1)): """ Apply enhancements from PIL.ImageEnhance to the image. Parameters ---------- layout : str defines layout of operations, default is `hcbs`: h - color c - contrast b - brightness s - sharpness factor : float or tuple of float factor of enhancement for each operation listed in `layout`. """ enhancements = { 'h': 'Color', 'c': 'Contrast', 'b': 'Brightness', 's': 'Sharpness' } if isinstance(factor, float): factor = (factor,) * len(layout) if len(layout) != len(factor): raise ValueError("'layout' and 'factor' should be of same length!") for alias, multiplier in zip(layout, factor): enhancement = enhancements.get(alias) if enhancement is None: raise ValueError('Unknown enhancement alias: ', alias) image = getattr(PIL.ImageEnhance, enhancement)(image).enhance(multiplier) return image
[docs] @apply_parallel def multiply(self, image, multiplier=1., clip=False, preserve_type=False, src=None, dst=None): """ Multiply each pixel by the given multiplier. Parameters ---------- multiplier : float, sequence clip : bool whether to force image's pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.] preserve_type : bool Whether to preserve ``dtype`` of transformed images. If ``False`` is given then the resulting type will be ``np.float``. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ _ = src, dst multiplier = np.float32(multiplier) if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): if preserve_type is False: warnings.warn("Note that some info might be lost during `multiply` transformation since PIL.image " "stores data as `np.uint8`. To suppress this warning, use `preserve_type=True` or " "consider using `to_array` action before multiplication.") return PIL.Image.fromarray(np.clip(multiplier*np.asarray(image), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)) dtype = image.dtype if preserve_type else np.float32 if clip: image = np.clip(multiplier*image, 0, 255 if dtype == np.uint8 else 1.) else: image = multiplier * image return image.astype(dtype)
[docs] @apply_parallel def add(self, image, term=1., clip=False, preserve_type=False): """ Add term to each pixel. Parameters ---------- term : float, sequence clip : bool whether to force image's pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.] preserve_type : bool Whether to preserve ``dtype`` of transformed images. If ``False`` is given then the resulting type will be ``np.float``. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ term = np.float32(term) if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): return PIL.Image.fromarray(np.clip(term+np.asarray(image), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)) dtype = image.dtype if preserve_type else np.float32 if clip: image = np.clip(term+image, 0, 255 if dtype == np.uint8 else 1.) else: image = term + image return image.astype(dtype)
[docs] @apply_parallel def pil_convert(self, image, mode="L"): """ Convert image. Actually calls ``image.convert(mode)``. Parameters ---------- mode : str Pass 'L' to convert to grayscale src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ return image.convert(mode)
[docs] @apply_parallel def posterize(self, image, bits=4): """ Posterizes image. More concretely, it quantizes pixels' values so that they have``2^bits`` colors Parameters ---------- bits : int Number of bits used to store a color's component. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ return PIL.ImageOps.posterize(image, bits)
[docs] @apply_parallel def cutout(self, image, origin, shape, color): """ Fills given areas with color .. note:: It is assumed that ``origins``, ``shapes`` and ``colors`` have the same length. Parameters ---------- origin : sequence, str Location of the cropping box. See :meth:`.ImagesBatch._calc_origin` for details. shape : sequence, int Shape of a filled box. Can be one of: - sequence - crop size in the form of (rows, columns) - int - shape has squared form color : sequence, number Color of a filled box. Can be one of: - sequence - (r,g,b) form - number - grayscale src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. Notes ----- Using 'random' origin with `src` as list with multiple elements will not result in same crop for each element, as origin will be sampled independently for each `src` element. To randomly sample same origin for a number of components, use `R` named expression for `origin` argument. """ image = image.copy() shape = (shape, shape) if isinstance(shape, Number) else shape origin = self._calc_origin(shape, origin, self._get_image_shape(image)) color = (color, color, color) if isinstance(color, Number) else color image.paste('RGB', tuple(shape), tuple(color)), tuple(origin)) return image
def _assemble_patches(self, patches, *args, dst, **kwargs): """ Assembles patches after parallel execution. Parameters ---------- patches : sequence Patches to gather. pathces.shape must be like (batch.size, patches_i, patch_height, patch_width, n_channels) dst : str Component to put patches in. """ _ = args, kwargs new_items = np.concatenate(patches) setattr(self, dst, new_items) return self
[docs] @action @inbatch_parallel(init='indices', post='_assemble_patches') def split_to_patches(self, ix, patch_shape, stride=1, drop_last=False, src='images', dst=None): """ Splits image to patches. Small images with the same shape (``patch_shape``) are cropped from the original one with stride ``stride``. Parameters ---------- patch_shape : int, sequence Patch's shape in the from (rows, columns). If int is given then patches have square shape. stride : int, square Step of the moving window from which patches are cropped. If int is given then the window has square shape. drop_last : bool Whether to drop patches whose window covers area out of the image. If False is passed then these patches are cropped from the edge of an image. See more in tutorials. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ _ = dst image = self.get(ix, src) image_shape = self._get_image_shape(image) image = np.array(image) stride = (stride, stride) if isinstance(stride, Number) else stride patch_shape = (patch_shape, patch_shape) if isinstance(patch_shape, Number) else patch_shape patches = [] def _iterate_columns(row_from, row_to): column = 0 while column < image_shape[1]-patch_shape[1]+1: patches.append(PIL.Image.fromarray(image[column:column+patch_shape[1], row_from:row_to])) column += stride[1] if not drop_last and column + patch_shape[1] != image_shape[1]: patches.append(PIL.Image.fromarray(image[image_shape[1]-patch_shape[1]:image_shape[1], row_from:row_to])) row = 0 while row < image_shape[0]-patch_shape[0]+1: _iterate_columns(row, row+patch_shape[0]) row += stride[0] if not drop_last and row + patch_shape[0] != image_shape[0]: _iterate_columns(image_shape[0]-patch_shape[0], image_shape[0]) array = np.empty(len(patches), dtype=object) for i, patch in enumerate(patches): array[i] = patch return array
[docs] @apply_parallel def additive_noise(self, image, noise, clip=False, preserve_type=False): """ Add additive noise to an image. Parameters ---------- noise : callable Distribution. Must have ``size`` parameter. clip : bool whether to force image's pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.] preserve_type : bool Whether to preserve ``dtype`` of transformed images. If ``False`` is given then the resulting type will be ``np.float``. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ noise = noise(size=(*image.size, len(image.getbands())) if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image) else image.shape) return self._add_(image, noise, clip, preserve_type)
[docs] @apply_parallel def multiplicative_noise(self, image, noise, clip=False, preserve_type=False): """ Add multiplicative noise to an image. Parameters ---------- noise : callable Distribution. Must have ``size`` parameter. clip : bool whether to force image's pixels to be in [0, 255] or [0, 1.] preserve_type : bool Whether to preserve ``dtype`` of transformed images. If ``False`` is given then the resulting type will be ``np.float``. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ noise = noise(size=(*image.size, len(image.getbands())) if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image) else image.shape) return self._multiply_(image, noise, clip, preserve_type)
[docs] @apply_parallel def elastic_transform(self, image, alpha, sigma, **kwargs): """ Deformation of images as described by Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, `Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis <>_`. Code slightly differs from `<>`_. Parameters ---------- alpha : number maximum of vectors' norms. sigma : number Smooth factor. src : str Component to get images from. Default is 'images'. dst : str Component to write images to. Default is 'images'. p : float Probability of applying the transform. Default is 1. """ image = np.array(image) # full shape is needed shape = image.shape if len(shape) == 2: image = image[..., None] shape = image.shape kwargs.setdefault('mode', 'constant') kwargs.setdefault('cval', 0) column_shift = gaussian_filter(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=shape), sigma, **kwargs) * alpha row_shift = gaussian_filter(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=shape), sigma, **kwargs) * alpha row, column, channel = np.meshgrid(range(shape[0]), range(shape[1]), range(shape[2])) indices = (column + column_shift, row + row_shift, channel) distored_image = map_coordinates(image, indices, order=1, mode='reflect') if shape[-1] == 1: return PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(distored_image.reshape(image.shape))[..., 0]) return PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(distored_image.reshape(image.shape)))