Within batch parallelism

Basic usage

The inbatch_parallel decorator allows to run a method in parallel:

from batchflow import Batch, inbatch_parallel, action

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_fn', post='_post_fn', target='threads')
    def some_action(self, item, arg1, arg2):
        # process just one item
        return some_value

Parallelized methods

You can parallelize actions as well as ordinary methods.

Decorator arguments


Required. The only required argument which contains a method name to be called to initialize the parallel execution.


Optional. A method name which is called after all parallelized tasks are finished.


Optional. Specifies a parallelization engine, should be one of threads, async, mpc, for.

Additional decorator arguments

You can pass any other arguments to the decorator and they will be passed further to init and post functions.

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='threads', clear_data=False)
    def some_method(self, item):
        # process just one item
        return some_value

    def _init_default(self, clear_data):

    def _post_default(self, list_of_res, clear_data):

All these arguments should be named argments only. So you should not write like this:

@inbatch_parallel('_init_default', '_post_default', 'threads', clear_data)

It might sometimes works though. But no guarantees.

The preferred way is:

@inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='threads', clear_data=False)

Using this technique you can pass an action name to the init function:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='threads', method='one_method')
    def one_method(self, item):
        # process just one item
        return some_value

    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='threads', method='some_other_method')
    def some_other_method(self, item):
        # process just one item
        return some_value

However, usually you might consider writing specific init / post functions for different actions.

Init function

Init function defines how to parallelize the decorated method. It returns a list of arguments for each invocation of the parallelized action. So if you want to run 10 parallel copies of the method, init should return a list of 10 items. Usually you run the method once for each item in the batch. However you might also run one method per 10 or 100 or any other number of items if it is beneficial for your specific circumstances (memory, performance, etc.)

The simplest init just returns a sequence of indices:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def some_action(self, item_id)
        # process an item and return a value for that item
        return proc_value

For a batch of 10 items some_action will be called 10 times as some_action(index1), some_action(index2), …, some_action(index10).

You may define as many arguments as you need:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def _init_fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return [[self._data, item, another_arg, one_more_arg] for item in self.indices]

Here the action will be fired as:

some_action(self._data, index1, another_arg, one_more_arg)

some_action(self._data, index2, another_arg, one_more_arg)


item_args does not have to be strictly a list, but any sequence - tuple, numpy array, etc - that supports the unpacking operation (*seq <https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#unpacking-argument-lists>`_):

Attention! It cannot be a tuple of 2 arguments (see below why).

You can also pass named arguments:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def _init_fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return [dict(data=self._data, item=item, arg1=another_arg, arg2=one_more_arg) for item in self.indices]

And the action will be fired as:

some_action(data=self._data, item=index1, arg1=another_arg, arg2=one_more_arg)

some_action(data=self._data, item=index2, arg1=another_arg, arg2=one_more_arg)


And you can also combine positional and named arguments:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def _init_fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return [tuple(list(self._data, item), dict(arg1=another_arg, arg2=one_more_arg)) for item in self.indices]

So the action will be fired as:

some_action(self._data, index1, arg1=another_arg, arg2=one_more_arg)

some_action(self._data, index2, arg1=another_arg, arg2=one_more_arg)


Thus, 2-items tuple is reserved for this situation (1st item is a list of positional arguments and 2nd is a dict of named arguments).

That is why you cannot pass a tuple of 2 arguments:

item_args = tuple(some_arg, some_other_arg)

Instead make it a list:

item_args = list(some_arg, some_other_arg)

Init’s additional arguments

Take into account that all arguments passed into actions are also passed into the init function. So when you call:

some_pipeline.some_parallel_action(10, 12, my_arg=12)

The init function will be called like that:

init_function(10, 12, my_arg=12)

This is convenient when you need to initialize some additional variables depending on the arguments. For instance, to create a numpy array of a certain shape filled with specific values or set up a random state or even pass additional arguments back to action methods.

If you have specified additional decorator arguments, they are also passed to the init function:

init_function(10, 12, my_arg=12, arg_from_parallel_decorator=True)

Standard init functions

Most of the times you don’t need to write your own init function as you might use standard ones:


def some_method(self, ix, arg1, arg2):

The first argument (after self) contains an id (from index) of each data item.


def some_method(self, item, arg1, arg2):

The first argument (after self) contains an item itself (i.e. i-th element of batch - batch[i]).


You cannot call an async action in pipelines, because async-methods should be awaited for. This is where @inbatch_parallel might be helpful without any parallelism whatsoever. All you need is run_once init-function:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    async def read_some_data(self, src, fmt='raw'):

No additional arguments is passed to read_some_data and it will be executed only once.

data components

If data components are defined, they might be used as init-functions:

def some_method(self, image, arg1, arg2):

The first argument (after self) contains an i-th image (i.e. batch.images[i]).

Post function

When all parallelized tasks are finished, the post function is called.

The first argument it receives is the list of results from each parallel task.

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def _post_default(self, list_of_res, *args, **kwargs):
        return self

    @inbatch_parallel(init='indices', post='_post_default')
    def some_action(self, item_id)
        # process an item and return a value for that item
        return proc_value

Here _post_default will be called as

_post_default([proc_value_from_1, proc_value_from_2, ..., proc_value_from_last])

If anything went wrong, then instead of proc_value, there would be an instance of some Exception caught in the parallel tasks.

This is where any_action_failed might come in handy:

from batchflow import Batch, action, inbatch_parallel, any_action_failed

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def _post_fn(self, list_of_res, *args, **kwargs):
        if any_action_failed(list_of_res):
            # something went wrong
            # process the results
        return self

    @inbatch_parallel(init='indices', post='_post_fn')
    def some_action(self, item_id)
        # process an item and return a value for that item
        return proc_value

Post-function should return an instance of a batch class (not necessarily the same). Most of the time it would be just self.

If an action-method changes data directly, you don’t need a post-function.

from batchflow import Batch, action, inbatch_parallel, any_action_failed

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def some_action(self, item_id)
        # process an item and return a value for that item
        self._data[item_id] = new_value

Don’t forget about GIL. A python function with target=threads won’t give any performance increase, though this might simplify your code. However, numba or cython allow for a real multithreading.

from batchflow import Batch, action, inbatch_parallel, any_action_failed
from numba import njit

def change_data(data, index):
    # data is a numpy array
    data[index] = new_value

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def _init_numba(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return [[self.data, i] for i in self.indices]

    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_numba', target='threads')
    def some_action(self, data, item_id)
        return change_data(data, item_id)

Here all batch items will be updated simultaneously.


There are 4 targets available: threads, async, mpc, for.


A method will be parallelized with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor. Take into account that due to GIL only one python thread is executed in any given moment (pseudo-parallelism). Cython and numba might help overcome this limitation. However, a usual python function with intensive I/O processing or waiting for some synchronization might get a considerable performance increase even with threads.

This is the default engine which is used if target is not specified in the inbatch_parallel decorator.


For I/O-intensive processing you might want to consider writing an `async method <https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html>`_.

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='async')
    async def some_action(self, item, some_arg)
        # do something
        proc_value = await other_async_function(some_arg)
        return proc_value

Specifying target='async' for methods declared as async is not necessary, since in this case the decorator can determine that you need an async-parallelism. However, for a not async method returning awaitable objects you have to explicitly use target='async'.


With mpc you might run calculations in separate processes thus removing GIL restrictions. For this concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor is used. The decorated method should just return a function which will be executed in a separate process.

from batchflow import Batch, action, inbatch_parallel

def mpc_fn(data, index, arg):
    # do something
    return new_data

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='mpc')
    def some_action(self, arg)
        # do not process anything, just return a function which will be run as a separate process
        return mpc_fn

Multiprocessing requires all code and data to be serialized (with pickle) in order to be sent to another process. And many classes and methods are not so easy (or even impossible) to pickle. That is why functions might be a better choice for parallelism. Nevertheless, with all these thoughts in mind you should carefully consider your parallelized function and the arguments it receives.

Besides, you might want to implement a thorough logging mechanism as multiprocessing configurations are susceptible to hanging up. Without logging it would be quite hard to understand what happened and debug your code.


When parallelism is not needed at all, you might still create actions which process single items, but they will be called one after another in a loop. This is not only convenient but also might have a much better performance than mpc-parallelism (e.g. when data is small, a lot of time is wasted to inter-process data flows).

It is also useful for debugging: you can replace mpc or threads with for in order to debug the code in a simple single-threaded fasion and then switch to parallel invocations.

Arguments with default values

If you have a function with default arguments, you may call it without passing those arguments.

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='mpc')
    def some_action(self, arg1, arg2, arg3=3)

# arg3 takes the default value = 3
batch.some_action(1, 2)

However, when you call it this way, the default arguments are not available externally (in particular, in decorators). This is the problem for mpc parallelism.

The best solutions would be not to use default values at all, but if you really need them, you should copy them into parallelized functions:

def mpc_fn(item, arg1, arg2, arg3=10):
    # ...

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='mpc')
    def some_action(self, arg1, arg2, arg3=10)
        return mpc_fn

You might also return a partial with these arguments:

from functools import

def mpc_fn(item, arg1, arg2, arg3=10):
    # ...

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_default', post='_post_default', target='mpc')
    def some_action(self, arg1, arg2, arg3=10)
        return partial(mpc_fn, arg3=arg3)

Number of parallel jobs

By default each action runs as many parallel tasks as the number of cores your computer/server has. That is why sometimes you might want to run fewer or more tasks. Then you can specify this number in each action call with n_workers option:

some_pipeline.parallel_action(some_arg, n_workers=3)

Here parallel_action will have only 3 parallel tasks being executed simultaneously. Others will wait in the queue.

However, implicitly specifying n_workers is rarely needed in practice and thus highly discouraged.

Attention! You cannot use n_workers with target=async.

Writing numba-methods

When you need an extremely fast processing, numba might come in handy. However, it works only with functions, but not with methods. It is not a big issue as you can write a method which calls a function. It is not convenient, though. And code becomes not so easy to follow.

That is why you’ll love @mjit decorator. It looks absolutely like @jit, but it works with methods.

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def fast_loop(self, data):
        for i in range(data.shape[0]):
           data[i] = -np.exp(-np.exp(data[i]))

    def fast_parallel_loop(self, image):
        for i in range(image.shape[0]):
            for j in range(image.shape[1]):
                image[i, j] = -np.exp(-np.exp(image[i, j]))

    def fast_parallel_action(self, image):
        image[:] = -np.exp(-np.exp(image))

mjit just takes a method body and compiles it with numba.jit. So the method should comply with all numba requirements.


self cannot be used within @mjit methods. It will always be None. As a result, you have no access to any class attributes and methods.


By default, a method is compiled with nopython=True and nogil=True. You can redefine these parameters when needed.

prange is also allowed within @mjit methods. @inbatch_parallel works as fast, though. So choose freely what is more convenient in each case.