Batch class

Batch class holds the data and contains processing functions. Normally, you never create batch instances, as they are created in the Dataset or Pipeline batch generators.


Batch class stores the index of all data items which belong to the batch. You can access the index through self.index (it is an instance of DatasetIndex or its child). The sequence of indices is also available as self.indices.


The base Batch class has a private property _data which you can use to store your data in. Just call load(). After that, you can access data through a public property data. This approach allows to conceal an internal data structure and provides for a more convenient and (perhaps) more stable public interface to access the data.:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def some_method(self):

If your batch has components, you might put only a few components:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def some_method(self):
        self.load(src=some_data, components=['comp1', 'comp2'])

Even though this is just a convention and you are not obliged to use it, many predefined methods follow it, thus making your life a bit easier.


To fill in the batch with preloaded data you might initialize it with preloaded argument:

batch = MyBatch(index, preloaded=data)

So data will contain data right after batch creation and you don’t need to call load() action.

You also might initialize the whole dataset:

dataset = Dataset(index, batch_class=Mybatch, preloaded=data)

Thus gen_batch() and next_batch() will automatically create batches that contain preloaded data.

To put it simply, preloaded=data is roughly equivalent to batch.load(src=data).

See load() for details.


Not infrequently, the batch stores a more complex data structures, e.g. features and labels or images, masks, bounding boxes and labels. To work with these you might employ data components. Just define a property as follows:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    components = 'images', 'masks', 'labels'

And this allows you to address components to read and write data:

image_5 = batch.images[5]
batch.images[i] = new_image
label_k = batch[k].labels
batch[4].masks = new_masks

Numerous methods take components parameters which allows to specify which components will be affected by the method. For instance, you can load components from different sources, or save components to disk, or apply some transformations (like resizing, zooming or rotating).


Each batch also refers to a dataset which it was created from - batch.dataset. However, note that while a batch travels through a pipeline it might be transformed beyond recognition, but the dataset reference does not change.

Another way to access dataset attributes is to use D-expression.

Action methods

Action-methods form a public API of the batch class which is available in pipelines. If you operate directly with the batch class instances, you don’t need action-methods. However, pipelines provide the most convenient interface to process the whole dataset and to separate data processing steps and model training / validation cycles.

In order to convert a batch class method to an action you add @action decorator:

from batchflow import Batch, action

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def some_action(self):
        # process your data
        return self

Take into account that an action-method should return an instance of some Batch-class: the very same one or some other class. If an action changes the instance’s data directly, it may simply return self.

Models and model-based actions

To get access to a model just call get_model_by_name() within actions or ordinary batch class methods.:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def train_my_model(model_name):
        my_model = self.get_model_by_name(model_name)

For more details see Working with models.

Running methods in parallel

As a batch can be quite large it might make sense to parallel the computations. And it is pretty easy to do:

from batchflow import Batch, inbatch_parallel, action

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_fn', post='_post_fn', target='threads')
    def some_action(self, item, arg1, arg2):
        # process just one item
        return some_value

For further details see how to make parallel actions.

Writing your own Batch

Constructor should include *args and *kwargs

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def __init__(self, index, your_param1, your_param2, *args, **kwargs):
        # process your data

It is not so important if you are extremely careful when calling batch generators and parallelizing actions, so you are absolutly sure that a batch cannot get unexpected arguments. But usually it is just easier to add *args and *kwargs and have a guarantee that your program will not break or hang up (as it most likely will do if you do batch prefetching with multiprocessing).

Don’t load data in the constructor

The constructor should just intialize properties. Action-method load is the best place for reading data from files or other sources.

So DON’T do this:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def __init__(self, index, your_param1, your_param2, *args, **kwargs):
        self._data = read(file)

Instead DO that:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def __init__(self, index, your_param1, your_param2, *args, **kwargs):

    def load(self, fmt=None, src=None):
        # load data from source
        self._data = read(src)
        return self

Store your data in _data property

It is just a convenient convention which makes your life more consistent.

Use components

Quite often a batch contains several semantic data parts, like images and labels, or transactions and ther scores. For a more flexible data processing and covenient actions create data components. It takes just one line of code:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    components = 'images', 'masks', 'labels'

See above for more details about components.

Make actions whenever possible

If you create some method transforming batch data, you might want to call it as a step in a Pipeline processing the whole dataset. So make it an action:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def change_data(self, arg1, arg2):
        # process your data
        return self

Actions should return an instance of some batch class.

Parallelize everyting you can

If you want a really fast data processing you can’t do without numba or cython. And don’t forget about input/output operations. For more details see how to make a parallel actions.

Define load and dump action-methods

load and dump allows for a convenient and managable data flow.:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def load(self, src, fmt='raw'):
        if fmt == 'raw':
            ... # load from a raw file
        elif fmt == 'blosc':
            ... # load from a blosc file
            super().load(src, fmt)
        return self

    def dump(self, dst, fmt='raw'):
        if fmt == 'raw':
            ... # write to a raw file
        elif fmt == 'blosc':
            ... # write to a blosc file
            super().dum(dst, fmt)
        return self

This lets you create explicit pipeline workflows:

   .load('/some/path', 'raw')
   .dump('/other/path', 'blosc')

Make all I/O in async methods

This is extremely important if you read batch data from many files.:

class MyBatch(Batch):
    def load(self, src, fmt='raw'):
        if fmt == 'raw':
        elif fmt == 'blosc':
            raise ValueError("Unknown format '%s'" % fmt)
        return self

    @inbatch_parallel(init='_init_io', post='_post_io', target='async')
    async def _load_raw(self, item, full_path):
        # load one data item from a raw format file
        return loaded_item

    def _init_io(self):
        return [[item_id, self.index.get_fullpath(item_id)] for item_id in self.indices]

    def _post_io(self, all_res):
        if any_action_failed(all_res):
            raise IOError("Could not load data.")
        return self

Make all I/O in async methods even if there is nothing to parallelize

class MyBatch(Batch):
    @inbatch_parallel(init='run_once', target='async')
    async def read_some_data(self, src, fmt='raw'):

Init-function run_once runs the decorated method once (so no parallelism whatsoever). Besides, the method does not receive any additional arguments, only those passed to it directly. However, an action defined as asynchronous will be waited for. You may define your own post-method in order to check the result and process the exceptions if they arise.


See Batch API.