Named expressions

As pipelines are declarative you might need a way to address data which exists only when the pipeline is executed. For instance, model training takes batch data, but you don’t have any batches when you declare a pipeline. Batches appear only when the pipeline is run. This is where named expressions come into play.

A named expression specifies a substitution rule. When the pipeline is being executed, a named expression is replaced with the value calculated according to that rule.

There are several types of named expressions:

  • B(‘name’) - a batch class attribute or component name

  • V(‘name’) - a pipeline variable name

  • C(‘name’) - a pipeline config option

  • D(‘name’) - a dataset attribute

  • F(…) - a callable

  • R(…) - a random value

  • W(…) - a wrapper for a named expression

  • P(…) - a wrapper for parallel actions that calculates its expression as a batch-sized vector

  • PP(…) - a wrapper for parallel actions that calculate its expression batch-size times in a cycle

  • I(…) - an iteration counter

Named expressions can be defined in two ways:

  • through instance creation, e.g. B(‘attr’), V(‘name’), C(‘option’)

  • through attribution, e.g. B.attr,, C.option.

The only difference is that the former allows for assignment mode, V(‘name’, mode=’append’), while the latter requires fewer letters to type (so the default mode is implied).

Using in pipelines

Named expressions can be used in pipelines as variables to get data from and to store data into them.

    .train_model(C('model_name'), features=B.features, labels=B.labels,
                 fetches='predictions', save_to=V('predictions'))

Each named expression is calculated on each iteration and then its current value will be passed into action. Therefore, actions get usual parameter values, not named expressions.

Using outside of pipelines

You may also use named expressions in your custom methods.

There are two main methods: get() and set().

Operations with expressions

Named expressions support basic arithmetic operations like +, -, etc.

    .print('Iterations per epoch:', D.size // B.size)

To convert a named expression value to a string use str() method:

    .print('Dataset contains ' + D('size').str() + ' items')

Formatting is also possible:

    .print(V('variable').format('Value of the variable is {:7.7}')

Slicing is often useful:

    .print('Current loss:', V('loss_history')[-1])

As well as getting attributes:

    .print('Size in bytes:', B.images.nbytes)

And calling a function:

    .print('Accuracy:', C.custom_accuracy(targets=B.labels, predictions=V('predictions'))

B - batch component

    .train_model(model_name, features=B.features, labels=B.labels)

At each iteration B('features') and B('labels') will be replaced with current_batch.features and current_batch.labels, i.e. batch components or attributes.


B() (i.e. without a component name) returns the batch itself. To avoid unexpected changes of the batch, the copy can be created with B(copy=True).

V - pipeline variable

    .train_model(V('model_name'), ...)

At each iteration V('model_name') will be replaced with the current value of pipeline.get_variable('model_name').

Thus, you can even change the model trained (or any other pipeline parameter) during pipeline execution.

C - config option

config = dict(model=ResNet34, model_config=model_config)

train_pipeline = dataset.train.pipeline(config)
    .init_model('dynamic', C('model', default=ResNet18), 'my_model', C.model_config)

At each iteration C('model') will be replaced with the current value of pipeline.config['model'].

If there is no model key in the pipeline config, a default value will be used. If default is not set, KeyError is raised.

This is an example of a model independent pipeline which allows to change models, for instance, to assess performance of various models.

D - dataset attribute

    .load(src=D.data_path, ...)

At each iteration D('data_path') will be replaced with the current value of pipeline.dataset.data_path.


D() (i.e. without an attribute name) returns the dataset itself.

I - iterations counter

    .print('Iteration:', I.current, ' out of ', I.max)

I(‘ratio’) returns the ratio current / max and thus allows to control the iteration progress. For instance, at each iteration dataset items can be rotated at a random angle which increases with time:


F - callable

A function which might take arguments.

The callable can be a lambda function:

    .init_model('dynamic', MyModel, 'my_model', config={
        'inputs/images/shape': F(lambda image_shape: (-1,) + image_shape)(B.image_shape)}}

or a batch class method:

    .train_model(model_name, make_data=F(MyBatch.pack_to_feed_dict)(B(), task='segmentation'))

or an arbitrary function:

def get_boxes(batch, shape):
    x_coords = slice(0, shape[0])
    y_coords = slice(0, shape[1])
    return batch.images[:, y_coords, x_coords]

    .update_variable(var_name, F(get_boxes)(B(), C('image_shape')))

or any other Python callable.

As static models are initialized before a pipeline is run (i.e. before any batch is created), all F-functions specified in static init_model cannot get batch:

    .init_model('static', MyModel, 'my_model', config={
        'inputs/images/shape': F(get_shape)(C.input_shape)}}

It can also be an arbitrary function with arbitrary arguments:

    .init_variable('logfile', F(open)('file.log', 'w'))

R - random value

A sample from a random distribution. All numpy distributions are supported:

    .other_action(R('beta', 1, 1, seed=14))
    .yet_other_action(R('poisson', lam=4, size=(2, 5)))
    .one_more_action(R(['opera', 'ballet', 'musical'], p=[.1, .15, .75], size=15, seed=42))

W - a wrapper

To pass a named expression to an action without evaluating it within a pipeline you can wrap it:


As a result some_action will get not a current value of a pipeline variable, but a V-expression itself.

P - a parallel wrapper

It comes in handy for parallel actions so that @inbatch_parallel could determine that different values should be passed to parallel invocations of the action.

For instance, each item in the batch will be rotated at its own angle:

    .rotate(angle=P(R('uniform', -30, 30)))

Without P all images in the batch will be rotated at the same angle, since an angle randomized across batches only:

    .rotate(angle=R('normal', 0, 1))

Every image in the batch gets a noise of the same intensity (7%), but of a different color:

    .add_color_noise(p_noise=.07, color=P(R('uniform', 0, 255, size=3)))

P can be used not only with R-expressions:

    .do_something(n=P([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))

However, more often P is applied to R-expressions.

PP - a parallel wrapper

PP(expr) is essentially P([expr for _ in batch.indices]).

It comes in handy for shape-specific operations (e.g. @ - matrix multiplication) or external functions which return single values.

As far as R is concerned, P(R(...)) is more efficient as it evaluates only once (as R(..., size=batch.size)). Whereas PP(R(...)) will evaluate R multiple times (once for each batch item).