
CardIO’s core classes are EcgBatch and EcgDataset. They are responsible for storing of ECGs, batch generation and applying actions to batches.


EcgBatch is a class that defines how to store ECG data and contains actions that can be applied to ECG in preprocessing stage.

Attributes of EcgBatch:

  • signal, stores ECG signals in numpy array
  • annotation, array of dicts with different types of annotations, e.g. array of R-peaks
  • meta, array of dicts with metadata about ECG records, e.g. signal frequency
  • target, array of labels assigned to ECG records
  • unique_labels, array of all possible target labels in dataset

Actions of EcgBatch allow to:

  • load ECG records from wfdb, DICOM, EDF, wav or blosc format
  • segment, flip and resample signals
  • filter signals
  • detect PQ, QT, QRS segments
  • dump results

To learn more about actions refer to the tutorial.


EcgDataset helps to conveniently create a list of ECG indices and generate batches (small subsets of data) of default type EcgBatch.

CardIO generates batches trought a Dataset library. To initialize this process we need to create a sequence of data item ids, e.g. using names of files in specific folder:

import cardio.dataset as ds
index = ds.FilesIndex(path="../cardio/tests/data/*.hea", no_ext=True, sort=True)

Then we specify type of batches we want to generate, e.g. EcgBatch:

from cardio import EcgBatch
eds = ds.Dataset(index, batch_class=EcgBatch)

EcgDataset helps to get the same result in a shorter way:

from cardio import EcgDataset
eds = EcgDataset(path="../cardio/tests/data/*.hea", no_ext=True, sort=True)

Now we can call EcgDataset.next_batch with specified batch_size argument to generate batches and process them using actions of EcgBatch.


See Core API