========= Tutorials ========= The following tutorials will help you to explore CardIO framework from simple to complex notions. Tutorials are organized as IPython Notebook, so you can run the code cells and see the result. * `CardIO `_ Explains where to get ECG data and how to start using CardIO. You will learn how to create a dataset with ECG's; how to generate batches; which actions you can apply to the data and how those actions affect batch and its components. * `Pipelines `_ Tells you about pipelines, which are also called workflows. You will learn how to build pipelines; how to use pipeline variables; how to add custom actions to the pipelines. Also, you will learn about pipeline algebra and train an atrial fibrillation detection model with built-in pipeline. * `Models `_ Shows how you can train various models with CardIO. You will train built-in CardIO models; build and train simple convolutional neural network using layers and blocks provided in `Dataset `_, Tensorflow and Keras; build and train custom logistic regression model.