Source code for cardio.pipelines.pipelines

"""Contains pipelines."""

from functools import partial
import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
from hmmlearn import hmm

from .. import dataset as ds
from ..dataset.dataset import F, V
from ..models.dirichlet_model import DirichletModel, concatenate_ecg_batch
from ..models.hmm import HMModel, prepare_hmm_input

[docs]def dirichlet_train_pipeline(labels_path, batch_size=256, n_epochs=1000, gpu_options=None, loss_history='loss_history', model_name='dirichlet'): """Train pipeline for Dirichlet model. This pipeline trains Dirichlet model to find propability of atrial fibrillation. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- labels_path : str Path to csv file with true labels. batch_size : int Number of samples per gradient update. Default value is 256. n_epochs : int Number of times to iterate over the training data arrays. Default value is 1000. gpu_options : GPUOptions An argument for tf.ConfigProto ``gpu_options`` proto field. Default value is ``None``. loss_history : str Name of pipeline variable to save loss values to. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ model_config = { "session": {"config": tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)}, "input_shape": F(lambda batch: batch.signal[0].shape[1:]), "class_names": F(lambda batch: batch.label_binarizer.classes_), "loss": None, } return (ds.Pipeline() .init_model("dynamic", DirichletModel, name=model_name, config=model_config) .init_variable(loss_history, init_on_each_run=list) .load(components=["signal", "meta"], fmt="wfdb") .load(components="target", fmt="csv", src=labels_path) .drop_labels(["~"]) .rename_labels({"N": "NO", "O": "NO"}) .flip_signals() .random_resample_signals("normal", loc=300, scale=10) .random_split_signals(2048, {"A": 9, "NO": 3}) .binarize_labels() .train_model(model_name, make_data=concatenate_ecg_batch, fetches="loss", save_to=V(loss_history), mode="a") .run(batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, n_epochs=n_epochs, lazy=True))
[docs]def dirichlet_predict_pipeline(model_path, batch_size=100, gpu_options=None, predictions='predictions_list', model_name='dirichlet'): """Pipeline for prediction with Dirichlet model. This pipeline finds propability of atrial fibrillation according to Dirichlet model. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- model_path : str path to pretrained ``DirichletModel`` batch_size : int Number of samples in batch. Default value is 100. gpu_options : GPUOptions An argument for tf.ConfigProto ``gpu_options`` proto field. Default value is ``None``. predictions: str Name of pipeline variable to save predictions to. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ model_config = { "session": {"config": tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)}, "build": False, "load": {"path": model_path}, } return (ds.Pipeline() .init_model("static", DirichletModel, name=model_name, config=model_config) .init_variable(predictions, init_on_each_run=list) .load(fmt="wfdb", components=["signal", "meta"]) .flip_signals() .split_signals(2048, 2048) .predict_model(model_name, make_data=partial(concatenate_ecg_batch, return_targets=False), fetches="predictions", save_to=V(predictions), mode="e") .run(batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, n_epochs=1, lazy=True))
[docs]def hmm_preprocessing_pipeline(batch_size=20, features="hmm_features"): """Preprocessing pipeline for Hidden Markov Model. This pipeline prepares data for ``hmm_train_pipeline``. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int Number of samples in batch. Default value is 20. features : str Batch attribute to store calculated features. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ def get_annsamples(batch): """Get annsamples from annotation """ return [ann["annsamp"] for ann in batch.annotation] def get_anntypes(batch): """Get anntypes from annotation """ return [ann["anntype"] for ann in batch.annotation] return (ds.Pipeline() .init_variable("annsamps", init_on_each_run=list) .init_variable("anntypes", init_on_each_run=list) .init_variable(features, init_on_each_run=list) .load(fmt='wfdb', components=["signal", "annotation", "meta"], ann_ext='pu1') .cwt(src="signal", dst=features, scales=[4, 8, 16], wavelet="mexh") .standardize(axis=-1, src=features, dst=features) .update_variable("annsamps", ds.F(get_annsamples), mode='e') .update_variable("anntypes", ds.F(get_anntypes), mode='e') .update_variable(features, ds.B(features), mode='e') .run(batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, n_epochs=1, lazy=True))
[docs]def hmm_train_pipeline(hmm_preprocessed, batch_size=20, features="hmm_features", channel_ix=0, n_iter=25, random_state=42, model_name='HMM'): """Train pipeline for Hidden Markov Model. This pipeline trains hmm model to isolate QRS, PQ and QT segments. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- hmm_preprocessed : Pipeline Pipeline with precomputed hmm features through ``hmm_preprocessing_pipeline`` batch_size : int Number of samples in batch. Default value is 20. features : str Batch attribute to store calculated features. channel_ix : int Index of signal's channel, which should be used in training and predicting. n_iter : int Number of learning iterations for ``HMModel``. random_state: int Random state for ``HMModel``. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ def prepare_means_covars(hmm_features, clustering, states=(3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 19), num_states=19, num_features=3): """This function is specific to the task and the model configuration, thus contains hardcode. """ means = np.zeros((num_states, num_features)) covariances = np.zeros((num_states, num_features, num_features)) # Prepearing means and variances last_state = 0 unique_clusters = len(np.unique(clustering)) - 1 # Excuding value -1, which represents undefined state for state, cluster in zip(states, np.arange(unique_clusters)): value = hmm_features[clustering == cluster, :] means[last_state:state, :] = np.mean(value, axis=0) covariances[last_state:state, :, :] = / np.sum(clustering == cluster) last_state = state return means, covariances def prepare_transmat_startprob(): """ This function is specific to the task and the model configuration, thus contains hardcode. """ # Transition matrix - each row should add up tp 1 transition_matrix = np.diag(19 * [14/15.0]) + np.diagflat(18 * [1/15.0], 1) + np.diagflat([1/15.0], -18) # We suppose that absence of P-peaks is possible transition_matrix[13, 14] = 0.9*1/15.0 transition_matrix[13, 17] = 0.1*1/15.0 # Initial distribution - should add up to 1 start_probabilities = np.array(19 * [1/np.float(19)]) return transition_matrix, start_probabilities def expand_annotation(annsamp, anntype, length): """Unravel annotation """ begin = -1 end = -1 s = 'none' states = {'N':0, 'st':1, 't':2, 'iso':3, 'p':4, 'pq':5} annot_expand = -1 * np.ones(length) for j, samp in enumerate(annsamp): if anntype[j] == '(': begin = samp if (end > 0) & (s != 'none'): if s == 'N': annot_expand[end:begin] = states['st'] elif s == 't': annot_expand[end:begin] = states['iso'] elif s == 'p': annot_expand[end:begin] = states['pq'] elif anntype[j] == ')': end = samp if (begin > 0) & (s != 'none'): annot_expand[begin:end] = states[s] else: s = anntype[j] return annot_expand lengths = [features_iter.shape[2] for features_iter in hmm_preprocessed.get_variable(features)] hmm_features = np.concatenate([features_iter[channel_ix, :, :].T for features_iter in hmm_preprocessed.get_variable(features)]) anntype = hmm_preprocessed.get_variable("anntypes") annsamp = hmm_preprocessed.get_variable("annsamps") expanded = np.concatenate([expand_annotation(samp, types, length) for samp, types, length in zip(annsamp, anntype, lengths)]) means, covariances = prepare_means_covars(hmm_features, expanded, states=[3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 19], num_features=3) transition_matrix, start_probabilities = prepare_transmat_startprob() config_train = { 'build': True, 'estimator': hmm.GaussianHMM(n_components=19, n_iter=n_iter, covariance_type="full", random_state=random_state, init_params='', verbose=False), 'init_params': {'means_': means, 'covars_': covariances, 'transmat_': transition_matrix, 'startprob_': start_probabilities} } return (ds.Pipeline() .init_model("dynamic", HMModel, model_name, config=config_train) .load(fmt='wfdb', components=["signal", "annotation", "meta"], ann_ext='pu1') .cwt(src="signal", dst=features, scales=[4, 8, 16], wavelet="mexh") .standardize(axis=-1, src=features, dst=features) .train_model(model_name, make_data=partial(prepare_hmm_input, features=features, channel_ix=channel_ix)) .run(batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, n_epochs=1, lazy=True))
[docs]def hmm_predict_pipeline(model_path, batch_size=20, features="hmm_features", channel_ix=0, annot="hmm_annotation", model_name='HMM'): """Prediction pipeline for Hidden Markov Model. This pipeline isolates QRS, PQ and QT segments. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- model_path : str Path to pretrained ``HMModel``. batch_size : int Number of samples in batch. Default value is 20. features : str Batch attribute to store calculated features. channel_ix : int Index of channel, which data should be used in training and predicting. annot: str Specifies attribute of batch in which annotation will be stored. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ config_predict = { 'build': False, 'load': {'path': model_path} } return (ds.Pipeline() .init_model("static", HMModel, model_name, config=config_predict) .load(fmt="wfdb", components=["signal", "meta"]) .cwt(src="signal", dst=features, scales=[4, 8, 16], wavelet="mexh") .standardize(axis=-1, src=features, dst=features) .predict_model(model_name, make_data=partial(prepare_hmm_input, features=features, channel_ix=channel_ix), save_to=ds.B(annot), mode='w') .calc_ecg_parameters(src=annot) .run(batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, n_epochs=1, lazy=True))