Source code for cardio.models.hmm.hmm

""" HMModel """

import numpy as np
import dill

from ...dataset.dataset.models.base import BaseModel

def prepare_hmm_input(batch, model, features, channel_ix):
    """Concatenate selected channel ``channel_ix`` of the batch attribute

    batch : EcgBatch
        Batch to concatenate.
    model : BaseModel
        A model to get the resulting arguments.
    features : str
        Specifies batch attribute that contains features for ``HMModel``.
    channel_ix : int
        Index of channel, which data should be used in training and

    kwargs : dict
        Named argments for model's train or predict method. Has the
        following structure:
        "X" : 2-D ndarray
            Features concatenated along -1 axis and transposed.
        "lengths" : list
            List of lengths of individual feature arrays along -1 axis.
    _ = model
    hmm_features = getattr(batch, features)
    x = np.concatenate([features[channel_ix].T for features in hmm_features])
    lengths = [features.shape[-1] for features in hmm_features]
    return {"X": x, "lengths": lengths}

[docs]class HMModel(BaseModel): """ Hidden Markov Model. This implementation is based on ``hmmlearn`` API. It is supposed that estimators of ``HMModel`` are model classes of ``hmmlearn``. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.estimator = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def build(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set up estimator as an attribute and make initial settings. Uses estimator from model config variable as estimator. If config contains key ``init_param``, sets up initial values ``means_``, ``covars_``, ``transmat_`` and ``startprob_`` of the estimator as defined in ``init_params``. """ _ = args, kwargs self.estimator = self.get("estimator", self.config) init_params = self.get("init_params", self.config) if init_params is not None: if "m" not in self.estimator.init_params: self.estimator.means_ = init_params["means_"] if "c" not in self.estimator.init_params: self.estimator.covars_ = init_params["covars_"] if "t" not in self.estimator.init_params: self.estimator.transmat_ = init_params["transmat_"] if "s" not in self.estimator.init_params: self.estimator.startprob_ = init_params["startprob_"]
[docs] def save(self, path, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Save ``HMModel`` with ``dill``. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the file to save model to. """ if self.estimator is not None: with open(path, "wb") as file: dill.dump(self.estimator, file) else: raise ValueError("HMM estimator does not exist. Check your cofig for 'estimator'.")
[docs] def load(self, path, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Load ``HMModel`` from file with ``dill``. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the model. """ with open(path, "rb") as file: self.estimator = dill.load(file)
[docs] def train(self, X, lengths=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Train the model using data provided. Parameters ---------- X : array-like A matrix of observations. Should be of shape (n_samples, n_features). lengths : array-like of integers optional If present, should be of shape (n_sequences, ). Lengths of the individual sequences in ``X``. The sum of these should be ``n_samples``. Notes ----- For more details and other parameters look at the documentation for the estimator used. """, lengths) return list(self.estimator.monitor_.history)
[docs] def predict(self, X, lengths=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Make prediction with the data provided. Parameters ---------- X : array-like A matrix of observations. Should be of shape (n_samples, n_features). lengths : array-like of integers optional If present, should be of shape (n_sequences, ). Lengths of the individual sequences in ``X``. The sum of these should be ``n_samples``. Returns ------- output: array Labels for each sample of X. Notes ----- For more details and other parameters look at the documentation for the estimator used. """ preds = self.estimator.predict(X, lengths) if lengths: output = np.array(np.split(preds, np.cumsum(lengths)[:-1]) + [None])[:-1] else: output = preds return output