Source code for batchflow.research.research

#pylint:disable=logging-fstring-interpolation, too-many-arguments
""" Research class for muliple parallel experiments. """

import time
import itertools
import warnings
import psutil
import multiprocess as mp
import tqdm

from .domain import Domain
from .distributor import Distributor, DynamicQueue
from .experiment import Experiment, Executor
from ..utils import to_list
from .storage import BaseResearchStorage, LocalResearchStorage, MemoryResearchStorage

from ..utils_random import make_seed_sequence

[docs]class Research: """ Research is an instrument to run multiple parallel experiments with different combinations of parameters called experiment configs. Configs are produced by :class:`domain.Domain` (some kind of parameters grid.) Parameters ---------- name : str, optional name (relative path) of the research and corresponding folder to store results, by default 'research'. domain : Domain, optional grid of parameters (see :class:`domain.Domain`) to produce experiment configs, by default None. experiment : Experiment, optional description of the experiment (see :class:`experiment.Experiment`), by default None. Experiment can be defined explicitly as a parameter or constructed by Research methods (`:meth:.add_callable`, `:meth:.add_generator`, etc.). n_configs : int, optional the number of configs to get from domain (see `n_items` of :meth:`domain.Domain.set_iter_params`), by default None. n_reps : int, optional the number of repetitions for each config (see `n_reps` of :meth:`domain.Domain.set_iter_params`), by default 1. repeat_each : int, optional see `repeat_each` of :meth:`domain.Domain.set_iter_params`, by default 100. """ def __init__(self, name='research', domain=None, experiment=None, n_configs=None, n_reps=1, repeat_each=None): = name self.domain = Domain(domain) self.experiment = experiment or Experiment() self.n_configs = n_configs self.n_reps = n_reps self.repeat_each = repeat_each self.create_id_prefix = False self.redirect_stdout = True self.redirect_stderr = True = None self._env = {} # current state of git repo and other environment information. self.workers = 1 self.branches = 1 self.n_iters = None self.devices = None self.executor_class = Executor self.dump_results = True self.parallel = True self.executor_target = 'threads' self.loglevel = 'info' = True self.detach = False self.tasks_queue = None self.distributor = None self.monitor = None self.logger = None self.process = None self.debug = False self.finalize = True self.random_seed = None self.profile = False self.memory_ratio = None self.n_gpu_checks = 3 self.gpu_check_delay = 5 self.dump_monitor = True self.is_loaded = False self._is_executed = False self._env_meta_to_collect = [] def __getattr__(self, key): if self.monitor is not None and key in self.monitor.SHARED_VARIABLES: return getattr(self.monitor, key) def _method(*args, **kwargs): getattr(self.experiment, key)(*args, **kwargs) return self _method.__doc__ = getattr(self.experiment, key).__doc__ return _method def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d)
[docs] def update_domain(self, function, when, **kwargs): """ Add domain update functions or update parameters. Parameters ---------- function : callable or None function to update domain, returns new domain or None (means not to update). when : int, str or list, optional iterations to update (see `when` of `:class:ExecutableUnit`), by default 1. kwargs : dict update function parameters. """ self.domain.set_update(function, when, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def attach_env_meta(self): """ Get version of packages (by "pip list" and "conda list") and python version. Results will be stored in research folder (if it is created) or in _env attribute. """ commands = { 'pip': 'pip list', 'conda': 'conda list', 'python': '#python' } self._env_meta_to_collect.append(dict(commands=commands, cwd='.', dst='')) return self
[docs] def attach_git_meta(self, cwd='.'): """ Get git repo state (current commit, diff and status). Results will be stored in research folder (if it is created) or in _env attribute. Parameters ---------- cwd : str, optional path to repo, by default '.' """ commands = { 'commit': "git log -1", 'diff': 'git diff', 'status': 'git status -uno', } replace = {'"image/png": ".*?"': '"image/png": "..."'} self._env_meta_to_collect.append(dict(cwd=cwd, dst=None, replace=replace, commands=commands)) return self
[docs] def get_devices(self, devices): """ Return list if lists. Each sublist consists of devices for each branch. Parameters ---------- devices : int, str, None or list of them devices to split between workers and branches. (see Example below) Returns ------- list of lists of lists The first nesting level corresponds to workers. The second to branches. The third is a list of devices for current branch. For example, worker with index 2 and its branch with index 3 will get list of devices `devices[2][3]`. Examples -------- For 3 workers and 2 branches:: None -> [[[None], [None]], [[None], [None]], [[None], [None]]] 1 -> [[['1'], ['1']], [['1'], ['1']], [['1'], ['1']]] [1, 2] -> [[['1'], ['1']], [['1'], ['2']], [['2'], ['2']]] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -> [[['1'], ['2']], [['3'], ['4']], [['5'], ['1']]] [0, 1, ..., 12] -> [[['0', '1'], ['2', '3']], [['4', '5'], ['6', '7']], [['8', '9'], ['10', '11']]] """ n_branches = self.branches if isinstance(self.branches, int) else len(self.branches) n_workers = self.workers if isinstance(self.workers, int) else len(self.workers) total_n_branches = n_workers * n_branches if devices is None: devices = [[[None]] * n_branches] * n_workers if isinstance(devices, (int, str)): devices = [devices] if isinstance(devices[0], (int, str)): if total_n_branches > len(devices): _devices = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable( zip(*itertools.repeat(devices, total_n_branches // len(devices))) )) devices = _devices + devices[:total_n_branches % len(devices)] else: devices = devices + devices[:-len(devices) % (total_n_branches)] if total_n_branches % len(devices) == 0: branches_per_device = total_n_branches // len(devices) devices = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(x, branches_per_device) for x in devices)) if len(devices) % total_n_branches == 0: devices_per_branch = len(devices) // total_n_branches devices = [ [ [ devices[n_branches * devices_per_branch * i + devices_per_branch * j + k] for k in range(devices_per_branch) ] for j in range(n_branches) ] for i in range(n_workers) ] if isinstance(devices[0], list): def _transform_item(x): x = to_list(x) values = [str(item) if isinstance(item, int) else item for item in x] return values if x is not None else [] devices = [[_transform_item(branch_config) for branch_config in worker_config] for worker_config in devices] return devices
[docs] def run(self, name=None, workers=1, branches=1, n_iters=None, devices=None, executor_class=Executor, dump_results=True, parallel=True, executor_target='threads', loglevel=None, bar=True, detach=False, debug=False, finalize=True, git_meta=False, env_meta=False, seed=None, profile=False, memory_ratio=None, n_gpu_checks=3, gpu_check_delay=5, create_id_prefix=False, redirect_stdout=True, redirect_stderr=True): """ Run research. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional redefine name of the research (if needed), by default None. workers : int or list of Config instances, optional number of parallel workers, by default 1. If int, number of parallel workers to execute experiments. If list of Configs, list of configs for each worker which will be appended to configs from domain. Each element corresponds to one worker. branches : int or list of Config instances, optional number of different branches with different configs with the same root, by default 1. If list of Configs, list of configs for each branch which will be appended to configs from domain. Each element corresponds to one branch. n_iters : int, optional number of experiment iterations, by default None, None means that experiment will be executed until StopIteration exception. devices : str or list, optional devices to split between workers and branches, by default None. executor_class : Executor-inherited class, optional executor for experiments, by default None (means that Executor will be used). dump_results : bool, optional dump results or not, by default True. parallel : bool, optional execute experiments in parallel in separate processes or not, by default True. executor_target : 'for' or 'threads', optional how to execute branches, by default 'threads'. loglevel : str, optional logging level, by default 'debug'. bar : bool or class use or not progress bar. detach : bool, optional run research in separate process or not, by default False. debug : bool, optional If False, continue research after exceptions. If True, raise Exception. Can be used only with `parallel=False` and `executor_target='for'`, by default False. finalize : bool, optional continue experiment iteration after exception in some unit or not, by default True. git_meta : bool, optional attach get repo state or not (see :meth:`.Research.attach_git_meta`). env_meta : bool, optional attach env meta or not (see :meth:`.Research.attach_env_meta`). seed : bool or int or object with a seed sequence attribute see :meth:`~batchflow.utils_random.make_seed_sequence`. profile : bool, optional perform Research profiling or not, be default False. memory_ratio : float or None, optional the ratio of free memory for all devices in worker to start experiment. If None, check will be skipped. n_gpu_checks : int, optional the number of such checks gpu_check_delay : float, optional time in seconds between checks. create_id_prefix : bool or int, optional add prefix to experiment id to allow to sort them by the order of parameters in domain. If int, the number of digits for the parameter code formatting. redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr : int or bool, optional how to redirect stdout/stderr to files: 0 or False - no redirection, True - redirect to common research file "stdout.txt"/"stderr.txt" when `dump_results=True` or to separate items in `` when `dump_results=False` 1 - redirect to common research file "stdout.txt"/"stderr.txt" (only when dump_results=True) 2 - redirect output streams of experiments into separate file in experiments folders 3 - redirect to common file and to separate experiments files (only when dump_results=True) Returns ------- Research instance **How does it work** At each iteration all units of the experiment will be executed in the order in which were added. If `update_domain` callable is defined, domain will be updated with the corresponding function accordingly to `when` parameter of :meth:`~.Research.update_domain`. """ = name or self.workers = workers self.branches = branches self.devices = self.get_devices(devices) self.executor_class = executor_class self.dump_results = dump_results self.parallel = parallel self.executor_target = executor_target self.loglevel = loglevel = bar self.detach = detach self.profile = profile self.memory_ratio = memory_ratio self.n_gpu_checks = n_gpu_checks self.gpu_check_delay = gpu_check_delay self.create_id_prefix = create_id_prefix if redirect_stdout is True and not dump_results: redirect_stdout = 2 if redirect_stderr is True and not dump_results: redirect_stderr = 2 self.redirect_stdout = redirect_stdout self.redirect_stderr = redirect_stderr if debug and (parallel or executor_target not in ['f', 'for']): raise ValueError("`debug` can be True only with `parallel=False` and `executor_target='for'`") if not dump_results and redirect_stdout in (1, 3): raise ValueError("`redirect_stdout` can be 0 or 2 only when `dump_results` is False") if not dump_results and redirect_stderr in (1, 3): raise ValueError("`redirect_stderr` can be 0 or 2 only when `dump_results` is False") self.debug = debug self.finalize = finalize self.random_seed = make_seed_sequence(seed) if n_iters is None and self.experiment.only_callables: self.n_iters = 1 else: self.n_iters = n_iters self.domain.set_iter_params(n_items=self.n_configs, n_reps=self.n_reps, repeat_each=self.repeat_each, create_id_prefix=self.create_id_prefix, seed=self.random_seed) if self.domain.size is None and (self.domain.update_func is None or self.domain.update_each == 'last'): warnings.warn("Research will be infinite because has infinite domain and hasn't domain updating", stacklevel=2) = self.dump_results if isinstance(, bool): = 'local' if else 'memory' if isinstance(, str): = BaseResearchStorage(self, self.loglevel, if not isinstance(, MemoryResearchStorage): self.experiment = self.experiment.dump() # add final dump of experiment results self.logger = if git_meta: self.attach_git_meta() if env_meta: self.attach_env_meta() n_branches = self.branches if isinstance(self.branches, int) else len(self.branches) self.tasks_queue = DynamicQueue(self.domain, self, n_branches) self.distributor = Distributor(self.tasks_queue, self) self.monitor = ResearchMonitor(self, # process execution signals def _start_distributor(): self.monitor.stop()"Research is starting") self.monitor.start() if self.parallel: try: self.process = mp.Process(target=_start_distributor) self.process.start()"Create separate research process [pid:{}]") self.monitor.detach(self.process) if not detach: self.process.join() self.terminate() except KeyboardInterrupt as e:"Research has been stopped by KeyboardInterrupt.") self.terminate(force=True, wait=False) raise e else: if detach: warnings.warn("detach can't be enabled when parallel=False") _start_distributor() self.terminate() return self
@property def results(self): return @property def profiler(self): return
[docs] def terminate(self, kill_processes=False, force=False, wait=True): """ Kill all research processes. """ if not self.is_loaded: if not force and self.monitor and self.monitor.in_progress: answer = input(f'{} is in progress. Are you sure? [y/n]').lower() answer = len(answer) > 0 and 'yes'.startswith(answer) else: answer = True if force or answer: if self.logger:"Stop research.") if self.monitor: self.monitor.stop(wait=wait) self.monitor.close() if if self.detach: kill_processes = True if kill_processes and self.monitor: if self.logger:"Terminate research processes") order = {'EXECUTOR': 1, 'WORKER': 2, 'DETACHED_PROCESS': 3, 'MONITOR': 4} processes_to_kill = sorted(self.monitor.processes.items(), key=lambda x: order[x[1]]) for pid, process_type in processes_to_kill: if pid is not None and psutil.pid_exists(pid): process = psutil.Process(pid) process.terminate() if self.logger:"Terminate {process_type} [pid:{pid}]")
@property def is_finished(self): """ Whether all tasks are completed or not. """ return self.monitor.in_queue + self.monitor.remained_experiments == 0 def __str__(self): spacing = ' ' * 4 repr = '' params = ['name', 'workers', 'branches', 'n_iters', 'devices', 'dump_results', 'parallel', 'loglevel', 'executor_target', 'executor_class'] params_repr = [] for param in params: params_repr += [f"{param}: {getattr(self, param, None)}"] params_repr = '\n'.join(params_repr) items = {'params': params_repr, 'experiment': str(self.experiment), 'domain': str(self.domain)} for name, items_ in items.items(): repr += f"{name}:\n" repr += '\n'.join([spacing + item for item in str(items_).split('\n')]) repr += 2 * '\n' return repr
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, name): """ Load research. """ storage = LocalResearchStorage(name, loglevel='info', mode='r') return storage.research
[docs] @classmethod def remove(cls, name, ask=True, force=False): LocalResearchStorage.remove(name, ask, force)
def __del__(self): self.terminate(force=True)
class ResearchMonitor: #pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init """ Class to get signals from experiment and other objects and store all states. Parameters ---------- research : Research Research object path : str, optional path to save signals, by default None bar : bool or class use progress bar or not. """ COLUMNS = ['time', 'task_idx', 'id', 'it', 'name', 'status', 'exception', 'worker', 'pid', 'worker_pid', 'process_pid', 'finished', 'withdrawn', 'remains'] SHARED_VARIABLES = ['finished_experiments', 'finished_iterations', 'remained_experiments', 'generated_experiments', 'stopped'] def __init__(self, research, bar=True): self.queue = mp.JoinableQueue() self.stop_signal = mp.JoinableQueue() self._manager = mp.Manager() self.exceptions = self._manager.list() self.shared_values = self._manager.dict() self.current_iterations = self._manager.dict() self.processes = self._manager.dict({ "MANAGER"}) self.research = research = tqdm.tqdm(disable=(not bar), position=0, leave=True) if isinstance(bar, bool) else bar for key in self.SHARED_VARIABLES: self.shared_values[key] = 0 self.n_iters = self.research.n_iters self.dump = False self.process = None self.stopped = True def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.SHARED_VARIABLES: return self.shared_values[key] raise AttributeError(f'Unknown attribute: {key}') def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in self.SHARED_VARIABLES: self.shared_values[key] = value else: super().__setattr__(key, value) @property def total(self): """ Total number of iterations or experiments in the current moment. It changes after domain updates. """ if self.n_iters: return self.finished_iterations + self.n_iters * (self.in_queue + self.remained_experiments) return self.finished_experiments + self.in_queue + self.remained_experiments @property def n(self): """ Current iteration. """ if self.n_iters: return self.finished_iterations + sum(self.current_iterations.values()) return self.finished_experiments + len(self.current_iterations) @property def in_progress(self): """ The number of experiments in progress. """ return len(self.current_iterations) @property def in_queue(self): """ The number of experiments in queue of tasks. """ return self.generated_experiments - self.finished_experiments def detach(self, process): self.processes[] = 'DETACHED_PROCESS' def start_worker(self, worker): self.processes[] = 'WORKER' def start_experiment(self, experiment): """" Signal when experiment starts. """ self.processes[] = 'EXECUTOR' self.current_iterations[] = 0 def tasks_info(self, generated, remains): self.generated_experiments = generated self.remained_experiments = remains def stop_experiment(self, experiment): """" Signal when experiment stops. """ self.current_iterations.pop( self.finished_iterations += experiment.iteration + 1 self.finished_experiments += 1 def execute_iteration(self, experiment): """" Signal for iteration execution. """ self.current_iterations[] = experiment.iteration def fail_item_execution(self, name, experiment, msg): """" Signal for iteration execution fail. """ self.exceptions.append({ 'id':, 'pid':, 'name': name, 'it': experiment.iteration, 'exception': msg }) def fail_worker_execution(self, worker, msg): self.exceptions.append({ 'index': worker.index, 'pid':, 'exception': msg }) def handler(self): """ Signals handler. """ with as progress: last_update = False exceptions = 0 while True: if (progress.n != self.n) or ( != or (len(self.exceptions) != exceptions): if len(self.exceptions) != exceptions: exceptions = len(self.exceptions) progress.set_description_str(f"Exceptions: {exceptions}") progress.n = self.n = progress.refresh() if last_update: break time.sleep(0.01) if not self.queue.empty(): last_update = True self.stop_signal.put(None) def start(self): """ Start handler. """ if self.stopped: self.process = mp.Process(target=self.handler) self.process.start() self.processes[] = 'MONITOR' self.stopped = False def stop(self, wait=True): """ Stop handler. """ if not self.stopped: self.queue.put(None) if wait: self.stop_signal.get() self.stopped = True tqdm.tqdm._instances.clear() #pylint:disable=protected-access def close(self): """ Close manager. """ self.exceptions = list(self.exceptions) self.shared_values = dict(self.shared_values) self.current_iterations = dict(self.current_iterations) self.processes = dict(self.processes) self._manager.shutdown()