Source code for batchflow.research.domain

""" Domain of parameters to generate configs. """

from itertools import product, islice
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from pprint import pformat
import numpy as np

from .utils import must_execute
from ..utils import to_list
from .. import Config, Sampler, make_rng
from ..named_expr import eval_expr

[docs]class Alias: """ Class to create alias for some Python object. This is useful for creating short names for complex objects such as nested dictionaries. Parameters ---------- value : object alias : str, optional Alias for value, by default None. If None then alias will be equal to `value.__name__` (if exists) or to `str(value)`. """ def __init__(self, value, alias=None): if isinstance(value, Alias): self.value = value.value self.alias = value.alias else: self.value = value if alias is None: self.alias = self._get_name(value) else: self.alias = alias def __repr__(self): return 'Alias(' + str(self.alias) + ': ' + str(self.value) + ')' def _get_name(self, value): """ Create name for the value. """ if hasattr(value, '__name__'): return value.__name__ return str(value)
[docs]class ConfigAlias: """ Wrapper for Config to infer its aliased version. Each key and value from initial config will be wrapped with `Alias` class (if it is not). Parameters ---------- config : dict, list of tuple each tuple is a pair (key, value), key is `Alias` or str, value is `Alias` or object. Notes ----- ConfigAlias has two main methods: `config` and `alias`. `config` returns initial config as `Config` instance. `alias` returns aliased versions of config or its string representation. """ def __init__(self, config=None): if isinstance(config, ConfigAlias): _config = config._config else: _config = [] if isinstance(config, (dict, Config)): config = config.items() if config is not None: for key, value in config: _key = key if isinstance(key, Alias) else Alias(key) _value = value if isinstance(value, Alias) else Alias(value) _config.append((_key, _value)) self._config = _config
[docs] def alias(self, as_string=False, delim='-'): """ Returns config alias. Parameters ---------- as_string : bool, optional if True, return string representation of ConfigAlias. Different items will be separated by `delim`, key and value for each pair will be separated by '_'. delim : str, optional delimiter for different ConfigAlias items in string representation. Returns ------- dict or str """ config_alias = Config({item[0].alias: item[1].alias for item in self._config}) if as_string: config_alias = OrderedDict(sorted(config_alias.items())) config_alias = delim.join([str(key)+'_'+str(value) for key, value in config_alias.items()]) return config_alias
[docs] def config(self): """ Returns initial config as `Config` instance. Returns ------- Config """ return Config({item[0].value: item[1].value for item in self._config})
[docs] def pop_config(self, key): """ Pop item from ConfigAlias by config value (not by alias). Returns ------- ConfigAlias or None ConfigAlias for popped keys. None if key doesn't exist. """ key = to_list(key) res = [item for item in self._config if item[0].value in key] self._config = [item for item in self._config if item[0].value not in key] if len(res) >= 1: return ConfigAlias(res) return None
[docs] def pop_alias(self, key): """ Pop item from ConfigAlias by alias (not by value). Returns ------- ConfigAlias or None ConfigAlias for popped keys. None if key doesn't exist. """ key = to_list(key) res = [item for item in self._config if item[0].alias in key] self._config = [item for item in self._config if item[0].alias not in key] if len(res) >= 1: return ConfigAlias(res) return None
[docs] def set_prefix(self, keys, n_digits): """ Create prefix from keys. """ prefix = '' for key in keys: prefix += self.alias().get('#' + key, 'null') + '_' fmt = ("{:0" + str(n_digits) + "d}").format(self.config()['repetition']) self['_prefix'] = prefix + fmt + '_' return self
def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns true value (not alias). """ return self.config()[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): _key = key if isinstance(key, Alias) else Alias(key) _value = value if isinstance(value, Alias) else Alias(value) self._config.append((_key, _value)) def __repr__(self): return pformat(self.alias().config) def __add__(self, other): config = ConfigAlias() config._config = deepcopy(self._config) + deepcopy(other._config) return config
[docs] def keys(self): return self.config().keys()
[docs]class Domain: """ Domain of parameters to generate configs for experiments. Parameters ---------- domain : dict parameter values to try. Each key is a parameter, values is a list of parameter values or batchflow.Sampler. **kwargs : the same as a `domain` dict. `domain` using is preferable when parameter name includes symbols like `'/'`. Note ---- `Domain` generates configs of parameters. The simplest example is `Domain(a=[1,2,3])`. That domain defines parameter `'a'` and its possible values `[1,2,3]`. You can iterate over all possible configs (3 configs in our example) and repeat generated configs in the same order several times (see `n_reps` in :meth:`~.set_iter_params`). Besides, parameter values can be a `batchflow.Sampler`, e.g. `Domain(a=NumpySampler('normal'))`. In that case values for parameter `'a'` will be sampled from normal distribution. Dict in domain definition can consist of several elements, then we will get all possible combinations of parameters, e.g. `Domain(a=[1,2], b=[3,4])` will produce four configs. If domain has parameters with array-like values and with sampler as values simultaneously, domain will produce all possible combinations of parameters with array-like values and for each combination values of other parameters will be sampled. To get configs from `Domain` use :meth:`~.iterator`. It produces configs wrapped by :class:`~.ConfigAlias`. Additional parameters like the number of repetitions or the number of samples for domains with samplers are defined in :meth:`~.set_iter_params`. **Operations with Domain** #. sum by `+`: Concatenate two domains. For example, the resulting domain `Domain(a=[1]) + Domain(b=[1])` will produce two configs: `{'a': 1}`, `{'b': 1}` (not one dict with `'a'` and `'b'`). #. multiplication by `*`: Cartesian multiplications of options in Domain. For example, if `domain1 = Domain({'a': [1, 2]})`, `domain2 = Domain({'b': [3, 4]})` and `domain3 = Domain({'c': bf.Sampler('n')})` then `domain1 * domain2 * domain3` will have all options and generate 4 configs: `{'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': xi_1}`, `{'a': 1, 'b': 4, 'c': xi_2}`, `{'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': xi_3}`, `{'a': 2, 'b': 4, 'c': xi_4}` where xi_i are independent samples from normal distribution. The same resulting domain can be defined as `Domain({'a': [1, 2], 'b': [3, 4], 'c': bf.Sampler('n')})`. #. multiplication by @: element-wise multiplication of array-like options. For example, if `domain1 = Domain({'a': [1, 2]})` and `domain2 = Domain({'b': [3, 4]})` then `domain1 @ domain2` will have two configs: `{'a': 1, `b`: 3}`, `{'a': 2, `b`: 4}`. #. multiplication with weights: can be used to sample configs from sum of domains. For example, the first ten configs from `0.3 * Domain({'p1': NS('n', loc=-10)}) + 0.2 * Domain({'p2': NS('u')}) + 0.5 * Domain({'p3': NS('n', loc=10)})` will be `{'p1': -10.3059}, {'p3': 8.9959}, {'p3': 9.1302}, {'p3': 10.2611}, {'p1': -7.9388}, {'p2': 0.5455}, {'p1': -9.2497}, {'p3': 9.9769}, {'p2': 0.3510}, {'p3': 8.8519}` (depends on seed). If you sum options with and without weights, they are grouped into consequent groups where all options has or not weights, for each group configs are generated consequently (for groups with weights) or sampled as described above. For example, for `domain = domain1 + 1.2 * domain2 + 2.3 * domain3 + domain4 + 1. * domain5` we will get: - all configs from domain1 - configs will be sampled from 1.2 * domain2 + 2.3 * domain3 - all configs from domain4 - configs will be sampled from 1. * domain4 If one of the domains here is a sampler-like domain, then samples from that domain will be generated endlessly. """ def __init__(self, domain=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(domain, dict): self.cubes = [self.create_aliases(domain)] self.weights = np.array([np.nan]) elif isinstance(domain, list) and all(isinstance(item, list) for item in domain): self.cubes = domain self.weights = np.array([np.nan] * len(domain)) elif isinstance(domain, Domain): self.cubes = copy(domain.cubes) self.weights = copy(domain.weights) elif len(kwargs) > 0: self.cubes = [self.create_aliases(kwargs)] self.weights = np.array([np.nan]) elif domain is None: self.cubes = [] self.weights = np.array([]) else: raise ValueError(f'domain can be Domain, dict or nested list but {type(domain)} were given') self.updates = [] self.n_produced = 0 self._iterator = None self.n_items = None self.n_reps = 1 self.repeat_each = None self.n_updates = 0 self.additional = True self.create_id_prefix = False self.random_state = None self.values_indices = {} def _get_all_options_names(self): options = [] for cube in self.cubes: for option in cube: alias = option[0].alias if alias not in options and alias != 'repetition': options.append(alias) return options
[docs] def create_aliases(self, options): """ Create aliases by wrapping into Alias class for each key and value of the dict. """ aliases_options = [] for parameter, values in options.items(): parameter = Alias(parameter) if isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): values = [Alias(value) for value in values] elif isinstance(values, Sampler): pass else: raise TypeError(f'`values` must be array-like object or Sampler but {type(values)} were given') aliases_options += [(parameter, values)] return aliases_options
[docs] def set_iter_params(self, n_items=None, n_reps=1, repeat_each=None, produced=0, additional=True, create_id_prefix=False, seed=None): """ Set parameters for iterator. Parameters ---------- n_items : int or None the number of configs that will be generated from domain. If the size of domain is less then `n_items`, elements will be repeated. If `n_items` is `None` and there is not a cube that consists only of sampler-options then `n_items` will be setted to the number of configs that can be produced from that domain. If `n_items` is None and there is a cube that consists only of sampler-option then domain will produce infinite number of configs. n_reps : int each element will be repeated `n_reps` times. repeat_each : int if there is not a cube that consists only of sampler-options then elements will be repeated after producing `repeat_each` configs. Else `repeat_each` will be setted to the number of configs that can be produced from domain. produced : int how many configs was produced before (is needed to use after domain update). additional : bool append 'repetition' and 'updates' to config or not. seed : bool or int or object with a seed sequence attribute see :meth:`~batchflow.utils_random.make_seed_sequence`. """ n_configs = self.len # None means that domain has samplers self.n_items = n_items or n_configs self.n_reps = n_reps if self.n_items is not None: self.repeat_each = repeat_each or self.n_items else: self.repeat_each = repeat_each or 100 self.n_produced = produced self.additional = additional self.create_id_prefix = create_id_prefix self.random_state = make_rng(seed) self.reset_iter()
[docs] def set_update(self, function, when, **kwargs): """ Set domain update parameters. """ if isinstance(when, (int, str)): when = [when] iter_kwargs = {} for attr in ['n_items', 'n_reps', 'repeat_each']: iter_kwargs[attr] = kwargs.pop(attr) if attr in kwargs else getattr(self, attr) self.updates.append({ 'function': function, 'when': when, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'iter_kwargs': iter_kwargs })
[docs] def update(self, generated, research): """ Update domain by `update_func`. If returns None, domain will not be updated. """ for update in self.updates: if must_execute(generated-1, update['when'], self.n_produced + self.size): kwargs = eval_expr(update['kwargs'], research=research) domain = update['function'](**kwargs) domain.updates = self.updates domain.n_updates = self.n_updates + 1 domain.values_indices = self.values_indices domain.set_iter_params(produced=generated, additional=self.additional, seed=self.random_state, create_id_prefix=self.create_id_prefix, **update['iter_kwargs']) return domain return None
@property def size(self): """ Return the number of configs that will be produces from domain. """ if self.n_items is not None: return self.n_reps * self.n_items return None @property def len(self): """ Return the number of configs that will be produced from domain without repetitions. None if infinite. """ size = 0 for cube in self.cubes: lengthes = [len(values) for _, values in cube if isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))] if len(lengthes) == 0: return None size += np.product(lengthes) return size def __len__(self): """ __len__ can't return None so we have to separate functions. """ cube_sizes = [[len(values) for _, values in cube if isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))], dtype='int') for cube in self.cubes ] # returns 1.0 for empty list return max(0, sum(cube_sizes)) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, float) and np.isnan(other): return self if self.cubes is None: result = other elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): result = self weights = self.weights weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 1 result.weights = weights * other elif isinstance(other, Domain): if other.cubes is None: result = self else: res = list(product(self.cubes, other.cubes)) res = [item[0] + item[1] for item in res] pairs = np.array(list(product(self.weights, other.weights))) weights = np.array([np.nanprod(item) for item in pairs]) nan_mask = np.array([np.isnan(item).all() for item in pairs]) weights[nan_mask] = np.nan result = Domain() result.cubes = res result.weights = weights else: raise TypeError('Arguments must be numeric or Domains') return result def __matmul__(self, other): if self._is_array_option(): that = self._to_scalar_product() else: that = self if other._is_array_option(): other = other._to_scalar_product() if that._is_scalar_product() and other._is_scalar_product(): if len(that.cubes) == len(other.cubes): cubes = [cube_1 + cube_2 for cube_1, cube_2 in zip(that.cubes, other.cubes)] weights = np.nanprod(np.stack([that.weights, other.weights]), axis=0) nan_mask = np.logical_and(np.isnan(that.weights), np.isnan(other.weights)) weights[nan_mask] = np.nan domain = Domain() domain.cubes = cubes domain.weights = weights return domain raise ValueError("The numbers of domain cubes must conincide.") def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other def __add__(self, other): if self.cubes is None: result = other elif other.cubes is None: result = self else: # Domain result = Domain() result.cubes = self.cubes + other.cubes result.weights = np.concatenate((self.weights, other.weights)) return result def __getitem__(self, index): domain = Domain() domain.cubes = [self.cubes[index]] return domain def __eq__(self, other): return self.cubes == other.cubes def __next__(self): return next(self.iterator)
[docs] def reset_iter(self): """ Reset iterator and set seeds for samplers. """ for cube in self.cubes: for _, values in cube: if isinstance(values, Sampler): values.state = make_rng(self.random_state) self._iterator = None
[docs] def create_iter(self): """ Create iterator. """ blocks = self._get_sampling_blocks() keys = self._get_all_options_names() def _iterator(): while True: for block in blocks: weights = self.weights[block] weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 1 iterators = [self._cube_iterator(cube) for cube in np.array(self.cubes, dtype=object)[block]] while len(iterators) > 0: index = self.random_state.choice(len(block), p=weights/weights.sum()) try: yield next(iterators[index]) except StopIteration: del iterators[index] weights = np.delete(weights, index) block = np.delete(block, index) def _iterator_with_repetitions(): iterator = _iterator() if self.n_reps == 1: i = 0 if self.additional: additional = ConfigAlias([('repetition', 0)]) + ConfigAlias([('updates', self.n_updates)]) else: additional = ConfigAlias() while self.n_items is None or i < self.n_items: res = next(iterator) + additional # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return if self.create_id_prefix: res.set_prefix(keys, n_digits=int(self.create_id_prefix)) yield res i += 1 else: i = 0 while self.n_items is None or i < self.n_items: samples = list(islice(iterator, int(self.repeat_each))) for rep in range(self.n_reps): if self.additional: additional = ConfigAlias({'repetition': rep}) + ConfigAlias({'updates': self.n_updates}) else: additional = ConfigAlias() for sample in samples: res = sample + additional if self.create_id_prefix: res.set_prefix(keys, n_digits=int(self.create_id_prefix)) yield res i += self.repeat_each self._iterator = _iterator_with_repetitions()
def _get_sampling_blocks(self): """ Return groups of cubes. Cubes are split into consequent groups where all cubes has or not weights. """ incl = np.cumsum(np.isnan(self.weights)) excl = np.concatenate(([0], incl[:-1])) block_indices = incl + excl return [np.where(block_indices == i)[0] for i in set(block_indices)] @property def iterator(self): """ Get domain iterator. """ if self._iterator is None: self.set_iter_params(self.n_items, self.n_reps, self.repeat_each, self.n_produced, self.additional, self.create_id_prefix, self.random_state) self.create_iter() return self._iterator def _is_array_option(self): """ Return True if domain consists of only one array-like option. """ if len(self.cubes) == 1: if len(self.cubes[0]) == 1: if isinstance(self.cubes[0][0][1], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): return True return False def _is_scalar_product(self): """ Return True if domain is a result of matmul. It means that each cube has an only one array-like option of length 1. """ for cube in self.cubes: samplers = [name for name, values in cube if isinstance(values, Sampler)] if len(samplers) > 0: return False if any(len(values) != 1 for _, values in cube): return False return True def _to_scalar_product(self): """ Transform domain to the matmul format (see :meth:`~.Domain._is_scalar_product`)""" if self._is_array_option(): name, values = self.cubes[0][0] cubes = [[[name, [value]]] for value in values] weights = np.concatenate([[self.weights[0]] * len(cubes)]) domain = Domain() domain.cubes = cubes domain.weights = weights return domain if self._is_scalar_product(): return Domain(self) raise ValueError("Domain cannot be represented as scalar product.") def _cube_iterator(self, cube): """ Return iterator from the cube. All array-like options will be transformed to Cartesian product and all sampler-like options will produce independent samples for each condig. """ arrays = [item for item in cube if isinstance(item[1], (list, tuple, np.ndarray))] samplers = [item for item in cube if isinstance(item[1], Sampler)] if len(arrays) > 0: for combination in list(product(*[self.option_items(name, values) for name, values in arrays])): res = [] for name, values in samplers: res.append(self.option_sample(name, values)) res.extend(combination) yield sum(res, ConfigAlias()) else: iterators = [self.option_iterator(name, values) for name, values in cube] while True: try: yield sum([next(iterator) for iterator in iterators], ConfigAlias()) except StopIteration: break
[docs] def option_items(self, name, values): """ Return all possible `ConfigAlias` instances which can be created from the option. Returns ------- list of `ConfigAlias` objects. """ if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f'`values` must be array-like object but {type(values)} were given') res = [] for value in values: if self.create_id_prefix: n_digits = self.create_id_prefix if self.create_id_prefix is not True else 1 option_values = self.values_indices.get(name.alias, {}) current_index = option_values.get(value.alias, len(option_values)) option_values[value.alias] = current_index self.values_indices[name.alias] = option_values fmt = ("{:0" + str(n_digits) + "d}").format(current_index) res.append(ConfigAlias([[name, value], ["#" + name.alias, fmt]])) else: res.append(ConfigAlias([[name, value]])) return res
[docs] def option_sample(self, name, values, size=None): """ Return `ConfigAlias` objects created on the base of Sampler-option. Parameters ---------- size : int or None the size of the sample Returns ------- ConfigAlias (if size is None) or list of ConfigAlias objects (otherwise). """ if not isinstance(values, Sampler): raise TypeError(f'`values` must be Sampler but {type(values)} was given') res = [] for _ in range(size or 1): if self.create_id_prefix: n_digits = self.create_id_prefix if self.create_id_prefix is not True else 1 current_index = self.values_indices.get(name.alias, -1) + 1 self.values_indices[name.alias] = current_index fmt = ("{:0" + str(n_digits) + "d}").format(current_index) res.append(ConfigAlias([[name, values.sample(1)[0, 0]], ["#" + name.alias, fmt]])) else: res.append(ConfigAlias([[name, values.sample(1)[0, 0]]])) if size is None: res = res[0] return res
[docs] def option_iterator(self, name, values): """ Produce `ConfigAlias` from the option. Returns ------- generator. """ if isinstance(values, Sampler): while True: yield ConfigAlias([[name, values.sample(1)[0, 0]]]) else: for value in values: yield ConfigAlias([[name, value]])
def __repr__(self): repr = '' cubes_reprs = [] spacing = 4 * ' ' for cube in self.cubes: cubes_reprs += [' * '.join([self._option_repr(name, values) for name, values in cube])] repr += ' + \n'.join(cubes_reprs) repr += 2 * '\n' + 'params:\n' repr += '\n'.join([spacing + f"{attr}={getattr(self, attr)}" for attr in ['n_items', 'n_reps', 'repeat_each']]) if len(self.updates) > 0: repr += 2 * '\n' + 'updates:\n' update_reprs = [] for update in self.updates: update_reprs += [str('\n'.join(spacing + f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in update.items()))] repr += '\n\n'.join(update_reprs) return repr def _option_repr(self, name, values): alias = name.alias if isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): values = [item.alias if not isinstance(item.value, str) else f"'{item.value}'" for item in values] values = f'[{", ".join(values)}]' return f'{alias}: {values}'
class Option(Domain): """ Alias for Domain({name: values}). """ def __init__(self, name, values): super().__init__({name: values}) KV = Alias # is needed to load and transform old researches