Source code for batchflow.named_expr

""" Contains named expression classes"""
import operator
from collections import defaultdict

from .config import Config
from .utils_random import make_rng

class _DummyBatch:
    """ A fake batch for static models """
    def __init__(self, pipeline):
        self.pipeline = pipeline
        self.dataset = pipeline.dataset if pipeline is not None else None
        self.indices = self.dataset.indices if self.dataset is not None else None

[docs]def eval_expr(expr, no_eval=None, **kwargs): """ Evaluate a named expression recursively Parameters ---------- expr an expression to evaluate no_eval : sequence of str a list of arguments not to evalute. Applicable only if expr is a dict which keys are checked against `no_eval` list. """ no_eval = no_eval or [] if isinstance(expr, NamedExpression): try: _expr = expr.get(**kwargs) if isinstance(expr, W): expr = _expr elif isinstance(_expr, (NamedExpression, list, tuple, dict, Config)): expr = eval_expr(_expr, **kwargs) else: expr = _expr except Exception as e: raise type(e)(f"Can't evaluate expression: {expr} because \n {str(e)}") from e elif isinstance(expr, (list, tuple)): _expr = [] for val in expr: _expr.append(eval_expr(val, **kwargs)) expr = type(expr)(_expr) elif isinstance(expr, (dict, Config)): if isinstance(expr, defaultdict): _expr = type(expr)(expr.default_factory) else: _expr = type(expr)() for key, val in expr.items(): key = eval_expr(key, **kwargs) if key in no_eval: # save current params for later evaluation if isinstance(val, NamedExpression): val.set_params(**kwargs) else: val = eval_expr(val, **kwargs) _expr.update({key: val}) expr = _expr return expr
[docs]def swap(op): """ Swap args """ def _op_(a, b): return op(b, a) return _op_
AN_EXPR = "#!__op__" TERNARY_OPS = { '#slice': lambda a, b, c: slice(a, b, c), '#call': lambda a, b, c: a(*b, **c), } BINARY_OPS = { '__add__': operator.add, '__radd__': swap(operator.add), '__concat__': operator.concat, '__sub__': operator.sub, '__rsub__': swap(operator.sub), '__mul__': operator.mul, '__rmul__': swap(operator.mul), '__floordiv__': operator.floordiv, '__rfloordiv__': swap(operator.floordiv), '__truediv__': operator.truediv, '__rtruediv__': swap(operator.truediv), '__mod__': operator.mod, '__rmod__': swap(operator.mod), '__pow__': operator.pow, '__rpow__': swap(operator.pow), '__matmul__': operator.matmul, '__rmatmul__': swap(operator.matmul), '__lshift__': operator.lshift, '__rshift__': operator.rshift, '__and__': operator.and_, '__or__': operator.or_, '__xor__': operator.xor, '__lt__':, '__le__': operator.le, '__gt__':, '__ge__':, '__eq__': operator.eq, '__ne__':, '__is__': operator.is_, '__is_not__': operator.is_not, '#getitem': lambda a, b: a[b], '#item': lambda a, b: a[b], '#format': lambda a, b: b.format(a), '#attr': lambda a, b: getattr(a, b), } UNARY_OPS = { '__neg__': operator.neg, '__pos__': operator.pos, '__invert__': operator.inv, '__not__': operator.not_, '__abs__': operator.abs, '#str': str, } OPERATIONS = {**TERNARY_OPS, **BINARY_OPS, **UNARY_OPS} OPERATIONS_SIGNS = { '__pos__': '+', '__neg__': '-', '__invert__': '~', '__concat__': '+', '__add__': '+', '__radd__': '+', '__sub__': '-', '__rsub__': '-', '__mul__': '*', '__rmul__': '*', '__floordiv__': '//', '__rfloordiv__': '//', '__truediv__': '/', '__rtruediv__': '/', '__mod__': '%', '__rmod__': '%', '__pow__': '**', '__rpow__': '**', '__matmul__': '@', '__rmatmul__': '@', '__lshift__': '>>', '__rshift__': '>>', '__and__': '&', '__or__': ' |', '__xor__': '^', '__lt__': '<', '__le__': '<=', '__gt__': '>', '__ge__': '>=', '__eq__': '==', '__ne__': '!=', '__is__': 'is', '__is_not__': 'is not', '__not__': 'not ' }
[docs]def add_ops(cls): """ Add arithmetic operations to a class. Allows to create and parse syntax trees using operations like '+', '-', '*', '/'. Parameters ---------- op_cls : class The class which represents an arithmetics expression. """ for op in OPERATIONS: if op[0] != '#': def _oper_(self, other=None, op=op): return AlgebraicNamedExpression(op=op, a=self, b=other) setattr(cls, op, _oper_) return cls
[docs]class MetaNamedExpression(type): """ Meta class to allow for easy instantiation through attribution Examples -------- `B.images` is equal to B('images'), but requires fewer letters to type """ def __getattr__(cls, name): return cls(name)
[docs]@add_ops class NamedExpression(metaclass=MetaNamedExpression): """ Base class for a named expression Attributes ---------- name : str a name mode : str a default assignment method: write, append, extend, update. Can be shrotened to jiust the first letter: w, a, e, u. - 'w' - overwrite with a new value. This is a default mode. - 'a' - append a new value (see list.append - 'e' - extend with a new value (see list.extend - 'u' - update with a new value (see dict.update or set.update """ __slots__ = ('__dict__', ) def __init__(self, name=None, mode='w', **kwargs): = name self.mode = mode self.params = None self.eval = eval self.set_params(**kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): return AlgebraicNamedExpression(op='#attr', a=self, b=name) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice) and any(isinstance(v, NamedExpression) for v in (key.start, key.stop, key.step)): key = AlgebraicNamedExpression(op='#slice', a=key.start, b=key.stop, c=key.step) return AlgebraicNamedExpression(op='#item', a=self, b=key) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return AlgebraicNamedExpression(op='#call', a=self, b=args, c=kwargs)
[docs] def str(self): """ Convert a named expression value to a string """ return AlgebraicNamedExpression(op='#str', a=self)
[docs] def format(self, string): """ Convert a value to a formatted representation, controlled by format spec. Examples -------- Unlike Python built-in function, the usage is value.format(format_spec), for example: :: V('variable').format('Value of the variable is {:7.7}') """ return AlgebraicNamedExpression(op='#format', a=self, b=string)
def _get_params(self, **kwargs): """ Return parameters needed to evaluate the expression """ if self.params is None: pkwargs = kwargs else: pkwargs = {} for arg in self.params.keys() | kwargs.keys(): if self.params.get(arg) is None: pkwargs[arg] = kwargs.get(arg) else: # pre-set parameters should prevail if isinstance(self.params.get(arg), NamedExpression): pkwargs[arg] = self.params.get(arg).get(**kwargs) else: pkwargs[arg] = self.params.get(arg) if pkwargs.get('batch') is None: pkwargs['batch'] = _DummyBatch(pkwargs.get('pipeline')) name = self._get_name(**pkwargs) return name, pkwargs
[docs] def set_params(self, **kwargs): self.params = kwargs
def _get_name(self, **kwargs): if isinstance(, NamedExpression): return eval_expr(, **kwargs) return
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a value of a named expression Notes ----- This method should be overriden in child classes. In the first line it should usually call `_get_params` method:: name, kwargs = self._get_params(**kwargs) """ raise NotImplementedError('Cannot get a value from an abstract named expression')
[docs] def set(self, value, mode=None, eval=True, **kwargs): """ Set a value to a named expression Parameters ---------- mode : str an assignment method: write, append, extend, update. A default mode may be specified when instantiating an expression. eval : bool whether to evaluate value before assigning it to the expression (as value might contain other named expressions, so it should be processed recursively) """ params = self._get_params(**kwargs) kwargs = params[-1] mode = mode or self.mode if eval: value = eval_expr(value, **kwargs) if mode in ['a', 'append']: self.append(value, **kwargs) elif mode in ['e', 'extend']: self.extend(value, **kwargs) elif mode in ['u', 'update']: self.update(value, **kwargs) else: self.assign(value, **kwargs)
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value to a named expression """ raise NotImplementedError("assign should be implemented in child classes")
[docs] def append(self, value, *args, **kwargs): """ Append a value to a named expression if a named expression is a dict or set, `update` is called, or `append` otherwise. See also -------- list.append dict.update set.update """ var = self.get(*args, **kwargs) if var is None: self.assign(value, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(var, (set, dict)): var.update(value) else: var.append(value)
[docs] def extend(self, value, *args, **kwargs): """ Extend a named expression with a new value (see list.extend """ var = self.get(*args, **kwargs) if var is None: self.assign(value, *args, **kwargs) else: var.extend(value)
[docs] def update(self, value, *args, **kwargs): """ Update a named expression with a new value (see dict.update or set.update """ var = self.get(*args, **kwargs) if var is not None: var.update(value) else: self.assign(value, *args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): return type(self).__name__ + '(' + str( + ')' def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__
[docs]class AlgebraicNamedExpression(NamedExpression): """ Algebraic expression over named expressions """ def __init__(self, op=None, a=None, b=None, c=None): super().__init__(AN_EXPR, mode='w') self.op = op self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a value of an algebraic expression """ if self.op == '#call': kwargs.pop('_call', None) a = eval_expr(self.a, _call=False, **kwargs) else: a = eval_expr(self.a, **kwargs) b = eval_expr(self.b, **kwargs) c = eval_expr(self.c, **kwargs) if self.op in UNARY_OPS: return OPERATIONS[self.op](a) if self.op in BINARY_OPS: return OPERATIONS[self.op](a, b) return OPERATIONS[self.op](a, b, c)
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value to a named expression """ if self.op not in ['#attr', '#item']: raise ValueError("Assigning a value to an arithmetic expression is not possible", self) _, kwargs = self._get_params(**kwargs) a = eval_expr(self.a, **kwargs) b = eval_expr(self.b, **kwargs) if self.op == '#attr': setattr(a, b, value) elif self.op == '#item': a[b] = value
def __repr__(self): if self.op in OPERATIONS_SIGNS: if self.op in UNARY_OPS: return OPERATIONS_SIGNS[self.op] + repr(self.a) if self.op in BINARY_OPS: return repr(self.a) + ' ' + OPERATIONS_SIGNS[self.op] + ' ' + repr(self.b) if self.op == '__abs__': return '|' + repr(self.a) + '|' if self.op == '#str': return 'str(' + repr(self.a) + ')' if self.op == '#attr': return repr(self.a) + '.' + repr(self.b)[1:-1] # remove '' if self.op == '#item': return repr(self.a) + '[' + repr(self.b) +']' if self.op == '#format': a = repr(self.a) if self.a is not None else '' b = repr(self.b) if self.b is not None else '' return 'f' + b + '.' + a if self.op == '#slice': a = repr(self.a) if self.a is not None else '' b = repr(self.b) if self.b is not None else '' c = ':' + repr(self.c) if self.c is not None else '' return a + ':' + b + c if self.op == '#call': args = '' if self.b is not None: args = repr(self.b)[1:-1] kwargs = ','.join([repr(k) + '=' + repr(v) for k,v in self.c.items()]) args = args + ', ' + kwargs if args else kwargs return repr(self.a) + '(' + args + ')' return 'Unknown expression'
[docs]class B(NamedExpression): """ Batch component or attribute name Notes ----- ``B()`` return the batch itself. To avoid unexpected data changes the copy of the batch may be returned, if ``copy=True``. Examples -------- :: B('size') B('images_shape') B(copy=True) """ def __init__(self, name=None, mode='w', copy=False): super().__init__(name, mode) self.copy = copy def _get_params(self, **kwargs): name, kwargs = super()._get_params(**kwargs) batch = kwargs['batch'] return name, batch, kwargs
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a value of a batch component """ name, batch, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) if isinstance(batch, _DummyBatch): raise ValueError(f"Batch expressions are not allowed in static models: B('{name}')") if name is None: return batch.copy() if self.copy else batch return getattr(batch, name)
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value to a batch component """ name, batch, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) if name is not None: setattr(batch, name, value)
[docs]class L(B): """ List of objects or a batch component with a list of objects. Note ---- ``L('comp').attr`` is equivalent to the list comprehension ``[val.attr for val in batch.comp]``. ``L('comp').func(*args, **kwargs)`` is equivalent to the list comprehension ``[val.func(*args, **kwargs) for val in batch.comp]``. ``L('comp')[item]`` is equivalent to the list comprehension ``[val[item] for val in batch.comp]``. Any chains of consecutive calls of items or attribures like ``L('comp').attr[item].attr2 ... `` are also allowed. """ def __init__(self, name=None, mode='w', **kwargs): super().__init__(name, mode) self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Returns an instance of the class that allows one to access attributes or items stored in the batch component or call a method from it. """ name, batch, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) # when given a component name, convert to a component data if isinstance(name, str): return L(getattr(batch, name)) # expecting that name is a collection of items if 'attr' in self.kwargs: return [getattr(v, self.kwargs['attr']) for v in name] if 'item' in self.kwargs: return [v[eval_expr(self.kwargs['item'], **kwargs)] for v in name] if 'call' in self.kwargs: call_args, call_kwargs = self.kwargs['call'] return [v(*eval_expr(call_args, **kwargs), **eval_expr(call_kwargs, **kwargs)) for v in name] return name
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value to batch component or item/attribute stored in the batch component """ name, batch, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) if 'attr' in self.kwargs: for n, v in zip(name ,value): setattr(n, self.kwargs['attr'], v) elif 'item' in self.kwargs: for n, v in zip(name, value): n[eval_expr(self.kwargs['item'], **kwargs)] = v else: # If value is assigned to the object itself it will be rewritten with `value`. setattr(batch, name, value)
def __getattr__(self, name): return L(self, attr=name) def __getitem__(self, item): return L(self, item=item) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return L(self, call=(args, kwargs)) def __repr__(self): s = 'L(' + repr( + ')' if 'attr' in self.kwargs: return s + '.' + self.kwargs['attr'] if 'item' in self.kwargs: return s + '[' + str(self.kwargs['item']) +']' if 'call' in self.kwargs: args, kwargs = self.kwargs['call'] args = ', '.join(map(str, args)) if args else '' kwargs = ', '.join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()]) if kwargs else '' args = args + ', ' + kwargs if kwargs else args return s + '(' + args + ')' return s
[docs]class PipelineNamedExpression(NamedExpression): #pylint: disable=abstract-method """ Base class for pipeline expressions """ def _get_params(self, **kwargs): name, kwargs = super()._get_params(**kwargs) pipeline = kwargs.get('pipeline') if kwargs.get('pipeline') is not None else kwargs.get('batch').pipeline return name, pipeline, kwargs
[docs]class C(PipelineNamedExpression): """ A pipeline config option Notes ----- ``C()`` return config itself. Examples -------- Get a value from the current pipeline config:: C('model_class', default=ResNet) C('GPU') Get the whole config from the current pipeline:: C() Get a value from another pipeline config:: C('model_class', pipeline=train_pipeline) """ def __init__(self, name=None, mode='w', **kwargs): super().__init__(name, mode, **kwargs) self._has_default = 'default' in kwargs self.default = kwargs.get('default')
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a value of a pipeline config """ name, pipeline, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) config = pipeline.config or Config() if name is None: return config try: if self._has_default: value = config.get(name, default=self.default) else: value = config[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Name is not found in the config: {name}") from None return value
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value to a pipeline config """ name, pipeline, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) pipeline.config[name] = value
[docs]class V(PipelineNamedExpression): """ Pipeline variable name Examples -------- Get a variable value from the current pipeline:: V('model_name') Get a variable value from another pipeline:: V('loss_history', pipeline=train_pipeline) """
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a value of a pipeline variable """ name, pipeline, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) value = pipeline.get_variable(name) return value
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value to a pipeline variable """ name, pipeline, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) pipeline.assign_variable(name, value)
[docs]class M(PipelineNamedExpression): """ Model name Examples -------- Get a model from the current pipeline:: M('model_name') Get a model from a given pipeline:: M('model_name', pipeline=train_pipeline) Get a model from a pipeline specified in the current pipeline config:: M('model_name', pipeline=C('train_pipeline')) Get a model from a pipeline specified in another pipeline config:: M('model_name', pipeline=C('train_pipeline', pipeline=test_template)) """
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a model from a pipeline """ name, pipeline, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) value = pipeline.get_model_by_name(name) return value
[docs] def assign(self, value, batch=None, pipeline=None): """ Assign a value to a model """ _ = value, batch, pipeline raise ValueError('Assigning a value to a model is not possible.')
[docs]class I(PipelineNamedExpression): """ Iteration counter Parameters ---------- name : str Determines returned value. One of: - 'current' or its substring - current iteration number, default. - 'maximum' or 'total' or their substring - total number of iterations to be performed. If total number is not defined, raises an error. - 'ratio' or its substring - current iteration divided by a total number of iterations. Raises ------ ValueError If `name` is not valid. If `name` is 'm' or 'r' and total number of iterations is not defined. Examples -------- :: I('current') I('max') I('max') R('normal', loc=0, scale=I('ratio')*100) """ def __init__(self, name='c', mode='w', **kwargs): super().__init__(name, mode=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=protected-access """ Return current or maximum iteration number or their ratio """ name, pipeline, kwargs = self._get_params(**kwargs) current_iter = kwargs['batch'].iteration or pipeline.iter_params.get('_n_iters') if 'current'.startswith(name): return current_iter total = pipeline.iter_params.get('_total') # if pipeline.iter_params else None if 'maximum'.startswith(name) or 'total'.startswith(name): return total if total is None: raise ValueError('Total number of iterations is not defined!') if 'ratio'.startswith(name): ratio = current_iter / total return ratio raise ValueError(f'Unknown key for named expresssion I: {name}')
[docs] def assign(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Assign a value by calling a callable """ _ = args, kwargs raise NotImplementedError("Assigning a value to an iteration number is not supported")
[docs]class R(PipelineNamedExpression): """ A random value Parameters ---------- name : str a distribution name seed : int, SeedSequence, Generator, BitGenerator, RandomState a random state (see :func:`~.make_rng`) args, kwargs distribution parameters Notes ----- If `size` is needed, it should be specified as a named, not a positional argument. Examples -------- :: R('normal', 0, 1) R('poisson', lam=5.5, seed=42, size=3) R(['metro', 'taxi', 'bike'], p=[.6, .1, .3], size=10) """ def __init__(self, name, *args, seed=None, size=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.random = make_rng(seed) self.default_random = seed is None if not isinstance(size, (type(None), NamedExpression, int, tuple)): raise TypeError('size is expected to be int or tuple of int or a named expression') self.size = size def _get_params(self, **kwargs): name, pipeline, kwargs = super()._get_params(**kwargs) # if seed was explicitly set in R(...), use it # otherwise use the RNG from the pipeline if it exists if self.default_random and pipeline is not None and pipeline.random is not None: random = pipeline.random else: random = self.random return name, random, kwargs
[docs] def get(self, size=None, **kwargs): """ Return a value of a random variable Parameters ---------- size : int, tuple of int Output shape. If the given shape is (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn and returned as m x n x k array. If size was also specified at instance creation, then output shape is extended from the beginning. So `size` is treated like a batch size, while size specified at instantiation is an item size. Examples -------- :: ne = R('normal', 0, 1, size=(10, 20))) value = ne.get(batch=batch) # value.shape will be (10, 20) value = ne.get(size=30, batch=batch) # value.shape will be (30, 10, 20) # so size is treated like a batch size """ if not isinstance(size, (type(None), int, tuple)): raise TypeError('size is expected to be int or tuple of int') name, random, kwargs = self._get_params(**kwargs) args = self.args if not isinstance(name, str): args = (name,) + args name = 'choice' if isinstance(name, str) and hasattr(random, name): name = getattr(random, name) else: raise TypeError('An expression should be an int, an iterable or a numpy distribution name', name, random) args = eval_expr(args, **kwargs) size, kwsize = eval_expr((self.size, size), **kwargs) if kwsize is not None: if size is None: size = kwsize else: if isinstance(size, int): size = (size,) if isinstance(kwsize, int): kwsize = (kwsize,) size = kwsize + size rkwargs = {**self.kwargs, 'size': size} rkwargs = eval_expr(rkwargs, **kwargs) return name(*args, **rkwargs)
[docs] def assign(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Assign a value """ _ = args, kwargs raise NotImplementedError("Assigning a value to a random variable is not supported")
def __repr__(self): repr_str = 'R(' + str( if self.args: repr_str += ', ' + ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.args) if self.kwargs: repr_str += ', ' + str(self.kwargs) return repr_str + (', size=' + str(self.size) + ')' if self.size else ')')
[docs]class F(NamedExpression): """ A function, method or any other callable that might take arguments Examples -------- :: F(MyBatch.rotate)(B(), angle=30) F(make_data) F(prepare_data)(batch=B(), item=10) """
[docs] def get(self, _call=True, **kwargs): """ Return a value from a callable Parameters ---------- _call : bool Whether to call name-function while evaluating the expression. Sometimes we might not want calling the func, e.g. when evaluating an F-expr within a call-expression F(func)(1, arg2=10), since we want to evaluate the whole expression. """ name, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) return name() if _call else name
[docs] def assign(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Assign a value by calling a callable """ _ = args, kwargs raise NotImplementedError("Assigning a value to a callable is not supported")
[docs]class D(NamedExpression): """ Dataset attribute or dataset itself Examples -------- :: D() D('classes') D('organization') """ def _get_params(self, **kwargs): name, kwargs = super()._get_params(**kwargs) batch = kwargs['batch'] dataset = batch.dataset or kwargs['batch'].pipeline.dataset if dataset is None: raise ValueError("Dataset is not set", self) return name, dataset, kwargs
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a value of a dataset attribute """ name, dataset, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) if name is None: value = dataset elif hasattr(dataset, name): value = getattr(dataset, name) else: raise KeyError("Attribute does not exist in the dataset", name) return value
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value to a dataset attribute """ name, dataset, _ = self._get_params(**kwargs) if name is None: raise ValueError('Assigning a value to D() is not possible.') setattr(dataset, name, value)
[docs]class W(NamedExpression): """ A wrapper which returns the wrapped named expression without evaluating it Examples -------- :: W(V('variable')) W(B(copy=True)) W(R('normal', 0, 1, size=B('size'))) """
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Return a wrapped named expression """ if not isinstance(, NamedExpression): raise ValueError(f"Named expressions is expected, but given {}")**kwargs) return
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value """ _ = kwargs = value # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs]class P(W): """ A wrapper for values passed to actions parallelized with @inbatch_parallel Examples -------- Each image in the batch will be rotated at its own angle:: pipeline .rotate(angle=P(R('normal', 0, 1))) Without ``P`` all images in the batch will be rotated at the same angle, as an angle is randomized across batches only:: pipeline .rotate(angle=R('normal', 0, 1)) To put it simply, ``R(...)`` is evaluated as ``R(..., size=batch.size)``. Generate 3 categorical random samples for each batch item:: pipeline .calc_route(P(R(['metro', 'taxi', 'bike'], p=[.6, 0.1, 0.3], size=3)) Generate a random number of random samples for each batch item:: pipeline .some_action(P(R('normal', 0, 1, size=R('randint', 3, 8)))) ``P`` works with arbitrary iterables too:: pipeline .do_something(n=P([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) The first batch item will get ``n=1``, the second ``n=2`` and so on. See also -------- :func:`~.inbatch_parallel` """ def _get_name(self, **kwargs): return
[docs] def get(self, *args, parallel=False, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ """ Calculate and return a value of the expression """ _ = args name, kwargs = self._get_params(**kwargs) batch = kwargs['batch'] # it's called from the decorator, so values were pre-calculated, just return them if parallel: # However, we can still have some R-expressions, e.g. for probabilities if isinstance(, R): return**kwargs, size=batch.size) return # pre-calculate values to pass them into decorator which takes them one by one if isinstance(name, (R, AlgebraicNamedExpression)): values = name.get(**kwargs, size=batch.size) elif isinstance(name, NamedExpression): values = name.get(**kwargs) else: values = name if len(values) != len(batch): msg = f"{self} returned a value (len={len(values)}) which does not fit the batch size (len={len(batch)})" raise ValueError(msg) # return P-expr to be recognized by the decorator return P(values)
[docs] def assign(self, value, **kwargs): """ Assign a value """ _ = kwargs = value # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs]class PP(P): """ A wrapper for single-value expressions passed to actions parallelized with @inbatch_parallel `PP(expr)` is essentialy `P([expr for _ in batch.indices])` Examples -------- Each image in the batch will be rotated at its own angle:: pipeline .rotate(angle=PP(F(get_single_angle))) as ``get_single_angle`` will be called ``batch.size`` times. ``R(...)`` will be evaluated only once within ``P(...)``, but many times within ``PP(...)``:: pipeline .rotate(angle=PP(R('normal', 0, 1))) That is why ``P(R(...))`` is much more efficient than ``PP(R(...))``. However, ``PP`` is indispensable for shape-specific operations like ``@`` or broadcasting:: pipeline .rotate(angle=PP(R('normal', R('normal', 50, 15, size=3), 15))) Internal ``R`` specifies a 3D angle mean and thus defines the shape. External ``R`` knows nothing about that shape and will throw an exception within ``P``, but it'll work fine within ``PP``. See also -------- :func:`~.inbatch_parallel` :class:`~.P` """
[docs] def get(self, *_, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ """ Calculate and return a value of the expression """ name, kwargs = self._get_params(**kwargs) batch = kwargs['batch'] # pre-calculate values to pass them into decorator which takes them one by one values = [name.get(**kwargs) if isinstance(name, NamedExpression) else name for _ in batch.indices] # return P-expr to be recognized by the decorator return P(values)