Source code for batchflow.models.metrics.classify

""" Contains two class classification metrics """
from copy import copy
from functools import partial

import numpy as np

from ...decorators import mjit
from . import Metrics, binarize, sigmoid, infmean

METRICS_ALIASES = {'sensitivity' : 'true_positive_rate',
                   'recall' : 'true_positive_rate',
                   'tpr' : 'true_positive_rate',
                   'fallout' : 'false_positive_rate',
                   'fpr' : 'false_positive_rate',
                   'miss_rate' : 'false_negative_rate',
                   'fnr' : 'false_negative_rate',
                   'specificity' : 'true_negative_rate',
                   'tnr' : 'true_negative_rate',
                   'prv' : 'prevalence',
                   'acc' : 'accuracy',
                   'precision' : 'positive_predictive_value',
                   'ppv' : 'positive_predictive_value',
                   'fdr' : 'false_discovery_rate',
                   'for' : 'false_omission_rate',
                   'npv' : 'negative_predictive_value',
                   'plr' : 'positive_likelihood_ratio',
                   'nlr' : 'negative_likelihood_ratio',
                   'dor' : 'diagnostics_odds_ratio',
                   'dice' : 'f1_score',
                   'f1s' : 'f1_score',
                   'iou' : 'jaccard',
                   'jac' : 'jaccard'}

[docs]class ClassificationMetrics(Metrics): """ Metrics to assess classification models Parameters ---------- targets : np.array Ground-truth labels / probabilities / logits predictions : np.array Predicted labels / probabilites / logits num_classes : int the number of classes (default is None) fmt : 'proba', 'logits', 'labels' whether arrays contain probabilities, logits or labels axis : int a class axis (default is None) threshold : float A probability level for binarization (lower values become 0, equal or greater values become 1) Notes ----- - Input arrays (`targets` and `predictions`) might be vectors or multidimensional arrays, where the first dimension represents batch items. The latter is useful for pixel-level metrics. - Both `targets` and `predictions` usually contain the same data (labels, probabilities or logits). However, `targets` might be labels, while `predictions` are probabilities / logits. For that to work: - `targets` should have the shape which exactly 1 dimension smaller, than `predictions` shape; - `axis` should point to that dimension; - `fmt` should contain format of `predictions`. - When `axis` is specified, `predictions` should be a one-hot array with class information provided in the given axis (class probabilities or logits). In this case `targets` can contain labels (see above) or probabilities / logits in the very same axis. - If `fmt` is 'labels', `num_classes` should be specified. Due to randomness any given batch may not contain items of some classes, so all the labels cannot be inferred as simply as `labels.max()`. - If `fmt` is 'proba' or 'logits', then `axis` points to the one-hot dimension. However, if `axis` is None, two class classification is assumed and `targets` / `predictions` should contain probabilities or logits for a positive class only. **Metrics** All metrics return: - a single value if input is a vector for a 2-class task. - a single value if input is a vector for a multiclass task and multiclass averaging is enabled. - a vector with batch size items if input is a multidimensional array (e.g. images or sequences) and there are just 2 classes or multiclass averaging is on. - a vector with `num_classes` items if input is a vector for multiclass case without averaging. - a 2d array `(batch_items, num_classes)` for multidimensional inputs in a multiclass case without averaging. .. note:: Count-based metrics (`true_positive`, `false_positive`, etc.) do not support mutliclass averaging. They always return counts for each class separately. For multiclass tasks rate metrics, such as `true_positive_rate`, `false_positive_rate`, etc., might seem more convenient. **Multiclass metrics** In a multiclass case metrics might be calculated with or without class averaging. Available methods are: - `None` - no averaging, calculate metrics for each class individually (one-vs-all) - `'micro'` - calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives, false positives, etc. across all classes - `'macro'` - calculate metrics for each class, and take their mean. Examples -------- :: metrics = ClassificationMetrics(targets, predictions, num_classes=10, fmt='labels') metrics.evaluate(['sensitivity', 'specificity'], multiclass='macro') """ def __init__(self, targets, predictions, fmt='proba', num_classes=None, axis=None, threshold=.5, skip_bg=False, calc=True): super().__init__() self.targets = None self.predictions = None self._confusion_matrix = None self.skip_bg = skip_bg self.num_classes = None if axis is None else predictions.shape[axis] self.num_classes = self.num_classes or num_classes or 2 self._agg_fn_dict = {'mean': partial(infmean, axis=0)} if fmt in ['proba', 'logits'] and axis is None and self.num_classes > 2: raise ValueError('axis cannot be None for multiclass case when fmt is proba or logits') if targets.ndim == predictions.ndim: # targets and predictions contain the same info (labels, probabilities or logits) targets = self._to_labels(targets, fmt, axis, threshold) elif targets.ndim == predictions.ndim - 1 and fmt != 'labels': # targets contains labels while predictions is a one-hot array pass else: raise ValueError("targets and predictions should have compatible shapes", targets.shape, predictions.shape) predictions = self._to_labels(predictions, fmt, axis, threshold) if targets.ndim == 1: targets = targets.reshape(1, -1) predictions = predictions.reshape(1, -1) self._no_zero_axis = True else: self._no_zero_axis = False self.targets = targets self.predictions = predictions if calc: self._calc() def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "METRICS_ALIASES": raise AttributeError # See name = METRICS_ALIASES.get(name, name) return object.__getattribute__(self, name) @property def confusion_matrix(self): return self._confusion_matrix.sum(axis=0)
[docs] def plot_confusion_matrix(self, classes=None, normalize=False, **kwargs): """ Plot confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- classes : sequence, optional Sequence of classes labels. normalize : bool Whether to normalize confusion matrix over target classes. """ confusion_matrix = np.array(self.confusion_matrix) if classes is None: classes = np.arange(self.num_classes) if normalize: confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix / np.nansum(confusion_matrix, axis=0) plot_config = { 'title': 'Normalized confusion matrix' if normalize else 'Confusion matrix', 'xlabel': 'Actual class', 'xtick_locations': np.arange(confusion_matrix.shape[0]), 'xtick_labels': classes, 'xtick_rotation': 90, 'xtick_ha': 'center', 'ylabel': 'Predicted class', 'ytick_locations': np.arange(confusion_matrix.shape[1]), 'ytick_labels': classes, 'ytick_rotation': 0, 'ytick_va': 'center', **kwargs } from ...plotter import plot return plot(data=confusion_matrix, mode='matrix', **plot_config)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a duplicate containing only the confusion matrix """ metrics = copy(self) return metrics
def _to_labels(self, arr, fmt, axis, threshold): if fmt == 'labels': pass elif fmt in ['proba', 'logits']: if axis is None: if fmt == 'logits': arr = sigmoid(arr) arr = binarize(arr, threshold).astype('int8') else: arr = arr.argmax(axis=axis) return arr
[docs] def one_hot(self, inputs): """ Convert an array of labels into a one-hot array """ return np.eye(self.num_classes)[inputs] if self.num_classes > 2 else inputs
[docs] def free(self): """ Free memory allocated for intermediate data """ self.targets = None self.predictions = None
[docs] def append(self, metrics): """ Append confusion matrix with data from another metrics""" # pylint: disable=protected-access self._confusion_matrix = np.concatenate((self._confusion_matrix, metrics._confusion_matrix), axis=0)
[docs] def update(self, metrics): """ Update confusion matrix with data from another metrics""" # pylint: disable=protected-access if self._no_zero_axis: self._confusion_matrix = self._confusion_matrix + metrics._confusion_matrix else: self._confusion_matrix = np.concatenate((self._confusion_matrix, metrics._confusion_matrix), axis=0)
def __getitem__(self, item): # pylint: disable=protected-access metrics = self.copy() metrics._confusion_matrix = metrics._confusion_matrix[item] return metrics def _calc(self): self._confusion_matrix = np.zeros((self.targets.shape[0], self.num_classes, self.num_classes), dtype=np.intp) return self._calc_confusion_jit(self.targets, self.predictions, self.num_classes, self._confusion_matrix) @mjit def _calc_confusion_jit(self, targets, predictions, num_classes, confusion): for i in range(targets.shape[0]): targ = targets[i].flatten() pred = predictions[i].flatten() for t in range(num_classes): coords = np.where(targ == t) for c in pred[coords]: confusion[i, c, t] += 1 def _return(self, value): return value[0] if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.shape == (1, ) else value def _all_labels(self): first = 1 if self.skip_bg else 0 labels = list(range(first, self.num_classes)) return labels def _count(self, f, label=None): if label is None: label = self._all_labels() if self.num_classes > 2 else 1 if np.isscalar(label): return self._return(f(label)) return np.array([self._return(f(l)) for l in label]).T
[docs] def true_positive(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self._confusion_matrix[:, l, l], label)
[docs] def false_positive(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self.prediction_positive(l) - self.true_positive(l), label)
[docs] def true_negative(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self.condition_negative(l) - self.false_positive(l), label)
[docs] def false_negative(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self.condition_positive(l) - self.true_positive(l), label)
[docs] def condition_positive(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self._confusion_matrix[:, :, l].sum(axis=1), label)
[docs] def condition_negative(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self.total_population(l) - self.condition_positive(l), label)
[docs] def prediction_positive(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self._confusion_matrix[:, l].sum(axis=1), label)
[docs] def prediction_negative(self, label=None, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._count(lambda l: self.total_population(l) - self.prediction_positive(l), label)
[docs] def total_population(self, *args, **kwargs): _ = args, kwargs return self._return(self._confusion_matrix.sum(axis=(1, 2)))
def _calc_agg(self, numer, denom, label=None, multiclass='macro', when_zero=None): _when_zero = lambda n: np.where(n > 0, when_zero[0], when_zero[1]).astype(float) if self.num_classes == 2: label = label if label is not None else 1 labels = label if label is not None else self._all_labels() labels = labels if isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)) else [labels] fractions = [(numer(l).astype(float), denom(l).astype(float)) for l in labels] if multiclass is None: value = [np.divide(n, d, out=_when_zero(n), where=(d > 0)).ravel() for n, d in fractions] classes_calculated = self.num_classes - 1 if self.skip_bg else self.num_classes value = value[0] if len(value) == 1 else np.array(value).T.reshape(-1, classes_calculated) elif multiclass == 'micro': n = np.sum([f[0] for f in fractions], axis=0) d = np.sum([f[1] for f in fractions], axis=0) value = np.divide(n, d, out=_when_zero(n), where=(d > 0)).reshape(-1, 1) elif multiclass in ['macro', 'mean']: value = [np.divide(n, d, out=_when_zero(n), where=(d > 0)) for n, d in fractions] value = infmean(value, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) return value
[docs] def true_positive_rate(self, *args, when_zero=(0, 1), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.true_positive, self.condition_positive, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def false_positive_rate(self, *args, when_zero=(1, 0), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.false_positive, self.condition_negative, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def false_negative_rate(self, *args, when_zero=(1, 0), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.false_negative, self.condition_positive, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def true_negative_rate(self, *args, when_zero=(0, 1), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.true_negative, self.condition_negative, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def prevalence(self, *args, when_zero=(0, 0), **kwargs): """ Notes ----- Parameter when_zero doesn't really matter in this case, since total_population is never zero, when targets are not empty. """ return self._calc_agg(self.condition_positive, self.total_population, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def accuracy(self): """ An accuracy of detecting all the classes combined """ return np.sum([self.true_positive(l) for l in self._all_labels()], axis=0) / self.total_population()
[docs] def positive_predictive_value(self, *args, when_zero=(0, 1), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.true_positive, self.prediction_positive, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def false_discovery_rate(self, *args, when_zero=(1, 0), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.false_positive, self.prediction_positive, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def false_omission_rate(self, *args, when_zero=(1, 0), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.false_negative, self.prediction_negative, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def negative_predictive_value(self, *args, when_zero=(0, 1), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.true_negative, self.prediction_negative, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def positive_likelihood_ratio(self, *args, when_zero=(np.inf, 0), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.true_positive_rate, self.false_positive_rate, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def negative_likelihood_ratio(self, *args, when_zero=(np.inf, 0), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.false_negative_rate, self.true_negative_rate, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def diagnostics_odds_ratio(self, *args, when_zero=(np.inf, 0), **kwargs): return self._calc_agg(self.positive_likelihood_ratio, self.negative_likelihood_ratio, *args, when_zero=when_zero, **kwargs)
[docs] def f1_score(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute f1-score """ recall = self.recall(*args, when_zero=(0, np.inf), **kwargs) precision = self.precision(*args, when_zero=(0, np.inf), **kwargs) mask = np.isinf(recall) & np.isinf(precision) value = np.nan_to_num(2 * (recall * precision) / (recall + precision)) value[mask] = np.inf return value
[docs] def jaccard(self, *args, **kwargs): d = self.dice(*args, **kwargs) return np.nan_to_num(d / (2 - d), nan=np.inf)