Source code for batchflow.decorators

""" Pipeline decorators """
import os
import traceback
import threading
import concurrent.futures as cf
import asyncio
import functools
import logging
import inspect

    from numba import jit
except ImportError:
    jit = None

from .named_expr import P

def make_function(method, is_global=False):
    """ Makes a function from a method

        a callable

    is_global : bool
        whether to create a function in a global namespace

    A method should not be decorated with any other decorator.
    source = inspect.getsource(method).split('\n')
    indent = len(source[0]) - len(source[0].lstrip())

    # strip indent spaces
    source = [s[indent:] for s in source if len(s) > indent]
    # skip all decorator and comment lines before 'def' or 'async def'
    start = 0
    for i, s in enumerate(source):
        if s[:3] in ['def', 'asy']:
            start = i
    source = '\n'.join(source[start:])

    globs = globals() if is_global else method.__globals__.copy()
    exec(source, globs)    # pylint:disable=exec-used

    # Method with the same name might exist in various classes or modules
    # so a global function should have a unique name
    function_name = method.__module__ + "_" + method.__qualname__
    function_name = function_name.replace('.', '_')
    globs[function_name] = globs[method.__name__]
    return globs[function_name]

def _workers_count():
    cpu_count = 0
        cpu_count = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
    except AttributeError:
        cpu_count = os.cpu_count()
    return cpu_count * 4

def _make_action_wrapper_with_args(use_lock=None, no_eval=None):    # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    return functools.partial(_make_action_wrapper, use_lock=use_lock, no_eval=no_eval)

def _make_action_wrapper(action_method, use_lock=None, no_eval=None):
    def _action_wrapper(action_self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Call the action method """
        if use_lock is not None:
            if action_self.pipeline is not None:
                if isinstance(use_lock, bool):
                    _lock_name = '#_lock_' + action_method.__name__
                    _lock_name = use_lock
                if not action_self.pipeline.has_variable(_lock_name):
                    action_self.pipeline.init_variable(_lock_name, threading.Lock())

        _res = action_method(action_self, *args, **kwargs)

        if use_lock is not None:
            if action_self.pipeline is not None:

        return _res

    if isinstance(no_eval, str):
        no_eval = [no_eval]
    _action_wrapper.action = dict(method=action_method, use_lock=use_lock, no_eval=no_eval)
    return _action_wrapper

[docs]def action(*args, **kwargs): """ Decorator for action methods in :class:`~.Batch` classes Parameters ---------- use_lock : bool or str whether to lock an action when a pipeline is executed. It can be bool or a lock name. A pipeline variable with a lock is created in the pipeline during the execution. no_eval : str or a sequence of str parameters to skip from named expression evaluation. A parameter should be passed as a named argument only. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python @action def some_action(self, arg1, arg2): ... @action(no_eval='dst') def calc_offset(self, src, dst=None): ... @action(use_lock=True) def critical_section(self, some_arg, another_arg): ... @action(use_lock='lock_name') def another_critical_section(self, some_arg, another_arg): ... """ if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]): # action without arguments return _make_action_wrapper(action_method=args[0]) # action with arguments return _make_action_wrapper_with_args(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def apply_parallel(*args, **kwargs): """ Mark class method for transform in its metaclass. Decorator writes `kwargs` to the method attribute `apply_kwargs`, so they can be extracted and used in metaclass. Parameters ---------- args, kwargs other parameters passed to `apply_parallel` method of the class where this decorator is being used Notes ----- Redefine the attribute `apply_defaults <.Batch.apply_defaults>` in the batch class. This is proposed solely for the purposes of brevity — in order to avoid repeated heavily loaded class methods decoration, e.g. `@apply_parallel(src='images', target='for')` which in most cases is actually equivalent to simple `@apply_parallel` assuming that the defaults are redefined for the class whose methods are being transformed. Note, that if no defaults redefined those from the nearest parent class will be used in :class:`~.batch.MethodsTransformingMeta`. """ def mark(method): method.apply_kwargs = kwargs return method if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]): return mark(args[0]) if len(args) != 0: raise ValueError(f"This decorator accepts only named arguments, got {args}!") return mark
[docs]def any_action_failed(results): """ Return `True` if some parallelized invocations threw exceptions """ return any(isinstance(res, Exception) for res in results)
def inbatch_parallel(init, post=None, target='threads', _use_self=None, debug=False, **dec_kwargs): """ Decorator for parallel methods in :class:`~.Batch` classes Parameters ---------- init a method name or a callable that returns an iterable for parallelization (e.g. a list of indices or items to be passed to a parallelized method) post a method name or a callable to call after parallel invocations (e.g. to assemble the batch) target : 'threads', 'mpc', 'async', 'for' a parallelization engine _use_self : bool whether to pass `self` (i.e. whether a decorated callable is a method or a function) debug : bool If False then inbatch_parallel doesn't process exceptions. Works only with target='for' Notes ----- `mpc` can be used with a method that is decorated only by `inbatch_parallel`. All other decorators will be ignored. """ if target not in ['nogil', 'threads', 'mpc', 'async', 'for', 't', 'm', 'a', 'f']: raise ValueError("target should be one of 'threads', 'mpc', 'async', 'for'") if debug and target not in ['for', 'f']: raise ValueError("target should be 'for' for debug=True") def inbatch_parallel_decorator(method): """ Return a decorator which run a method in parallel """ use_self = '.' in method.__qualname__ if _use_self is None else _use_self mpc_method = method if target in {'mpc', 'm'} and use_self: try: mpc_method = make_function(method, is_global=True) except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except mpc_method = None def _check_functions(self): """ Check decorator's `init` and `post` parameters """ if init is None: raise ValueError("init cannot be None") if isinstance(init, str): try: init_fn = getattr(self, init) except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError("init should refer to a method or property of the class", type(self).__name__, "returning the list of arguments") from e elif callable(init): init_fn = init else: init_fn = init if isinstance(post, str): try: post_fn = getattr(self, post) except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError("post should refer to a method of the class", type(self).__name__) from e elif callable(post): post_fn = post else: post_fn = post return init_fn, post_fn def _call_init_fn(init_fn, args, kwargs): if callable(init_fn): return init_fn(*args, **kwargs) return init_fn def _call_post_fn(self, post_fn, futures, args, kwargs): all_results = [] for future in futures: try: if isinstance(future, (cf.Future, asyncio.Task)): result = future.result() else: result = future except Exception as exce: # pylint: disable=broad-except result = exce finally: all_results += [result] if post_fn is None: if any_action_failed(all_results): all_errors = [error for error in all_results if isinstance(error, Exception)] logging.error("Parallel action failed %s", all_errors) traceback.print_tb(all_errors[0].__traceback__) raise RuntimeError("Parallel action failed") return self return post_fn(all_results, *args, **kwargs) def _prepare_args(self, args, kwargs): params = [] def _get_value(value, pos=None, name=None): if isinstance(value, P): if pos is not None: params.append(pos) elif name is not None: params.append(name) v = value.get(batch=self, parallel=True) return v return value _args = [] for i, v in enumerate(args): _args.append(_get_value(v, pos=i)) _kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): _kwargs.update({k: _get_value(v, name=k)}) return _args, _kwargs, params def _make_args(self, iteration, init_args, args, kwargs, params=None): """ Make args, kwargs tuple """ if isinstance(init_args, tuple) and len(init_args) == 2 and \ isinstance(init_args[0], tuple) and isinstance(init_args[1], dict): margs, mkwargs = init_args elif isinstance(init_args, dict): margs = [] mkwargs = init_args else: margs = init_args mkwargs = {} margs = margs if isinstance(margs, (list, tuple)) else [margs] if params: _args = list(args) _kwargs = {**kwargs} for k in params: if isinstance(k, str): _kwargs[k] = _kwargs[k][iteration] else: _args[k] = _args[k][iteration] else: _args = args _kwargs = kwargs if len(args) > 0: margs = list(margs) + list(_args) if len(kwargs) > 0: mkwargs.update(_kwargs) if use_self: margs = [self] + list(margs) return margs, mkwargs def wrap_with_threads(self, args, kwargs): """ Run a method in parallel threads """ init_fn, post_fn = _check_functions(self) n_workers = kwargs.pop('n_workers', _workers_count()) with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_workers) as executor: futures = [] args, kwargs, params = _prepare_args(self, args, kwargs) full_kwargs = {**dec_kwargs, **kwargs} for iteration, arg in enumerate(_call_init_fn(init_fn, args, full_kwargs)): margs, mkwargs = _make_args(self, iteration, arg, args, kwargs, params) one_ft = executor.submit(method, *margs, **mkwargs) futures.append(one_ft) timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', None) cf.wait(futures, timeout=timeout, return_when=cf.ALL_COMPLETED) return _call_post_fn(self, post_fn, futures, args, full_kwargs) def wrap_with_mpc(self, args, kwargs): """ Run a method in parallel processes """ init_fn, post_fn = _check_functions(self) n_workers = kwargs.pop('n_workers', _workers_count()) with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_workers) as executor: futures = [] args, kwargs, params = _prepare_args(self, args, kwargs) full_kwargs = {**dec_kwargs, **kwargs} for iteration, arg in enumerate(_call_init_fn(init_fn, args, full_kwargs)): margs, mkwargs = _make_args(self, iteration, arg, args, kwargs, params) one_ft = executor.submit(mpc_method, *margs, **mkwargs) futures.append(one_ft) timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None) cf.wait(futures, timeout=timeout, return_when=cf.ALL_COMPLETED) return _call_post_fn(self, post_fn, futures, args, full_kwargs) def wrap_with_async(self, args, kwargs): """ Run a method in parallel with async / await """ try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() except RuntimeError: # this is a new thread where there is no loop loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) else: # allow to specify a loop as an action parameter loop = kwargs.get('loop', loop) if loop.is_running(): raise RuntimeError('Cannot parallel async methods with a running event loop (e.g. in IPython).') init_fn, post_fn = _check_functions(self) futures = [] args, kwargs, params = _prepare_args(self, args, kwargs) full_kwargs = {**dec_kwargs, **kwargs} for iteration, arg in enumerate(_call_init_fn(init_fn, args, full_kwargs)): margs, mkwargs = _make_args(self, iteration, arg, args, kwargs, params) futures.append(loop.create_task(method(*margs, **mkwargs))) loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*futures, return_exceptions=True)) return _call_post_fn(self, post_fn, futures, args, full_kwargs) def wrap_with_for(self, debug, args, kwargs): """ Run a method sequentially (without parallelism) """ init_fn, post_fn = _check_functions(self) _ = kwargs.pop('n_workers', _workers_count()) futures = [] args, kwargs, params = _prepare_args(self, args, kwargs) full_kwargs = {**dec_kwargs, **kwargs} for iteration, arg in enumerate(_call_init_fn(init_fn, args, full_kwargs)): margs, mkwargs = _make_args(self, iteration, arg, args, kwargs, params) if debug: one_ft = method(*margs, **mkwargs) else: try: one_ft = method(*margs, **mkwargs) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except one_ft = e futures.append(one_ft) return _call_post_fn(self, post_fn, futures, args, full_kwargs) @functools.wraps(method) def wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrap a method with a required parallel engine """ if use_self: # the first arg is self, not an ordinary arg self = args[0] args = args[1:] else: # still need self to preserve the signatures of other functions self = None _target = kwargs.pop('target', target) _debug = kwargs.pop('debug', debug) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method) or _target in ['async', 'a']: x = wrap_with_async(self, args, kwargs) elif _target in ['threads', 't']: x = wrap_with_threads(self, args, kwargs) elif _target in ['mpc', 'm']: if mpc_method is not None: x = wrap_with_mpc(self, args, kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Cannot use MPC with this method', method) elif _target in ['for', 'f']: x = wrap_with_for(self, _debug, args, kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Wrong parallelization target:', _target) return x return wrapped_method return inbatch_parallel_decorator def parallel(*args, use_self=None, **kwargs): """ Decorator for a parallel execution of a function """ return inbatch_parallel(*args, _use_self=use_self, **kwargs) def njit(nogil=True, parallel=True): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Fake njit decorator to use when numba is not installed """ _, _ = nogil, parallel def njit_fake_decorator(method): """ Return a decorator """ @functools.wraps(method) def wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs): """ Log warning that numba is not installed which causes preformance degradation """ logging.warning('numba is not installed. This causes a severe performance degradation for method %s', method.__name__) return method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped_method return njit_fake_decorator
[docs]def mjit(*args, nopython=True, nogil=True, **kwargs): """ jit decorator for methods Notes ----- This decorator should be applied directly to a method, not another decorator. """ def _jit(method): if jit is not None: func = make_function(method) func = jit(*args, nopython=nopython, nogil=nogil, **kwargs)(func) else: func = method logging.warning('numba is not installed. This causes a severe performance degradation for method %s', method.__name__) @functools.wraps(method) def _wrapped_method(self, *args, **kwargs): _ = self return func(None, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapped_method if len(args) == 1 and (callable(args[0])) and len(kwargs) == 0: method = args[0] args = tuple() return _jit(method) return _jit
[docs]def deprecated(msg): """ Decorator for deprecated functions and methods """ def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _call(*args, **kwargs): logging.warning(msg) return func(*args, **kwargs) return _call return decorator