Source code for batchflow.dataset

""" Dataset """
import copy as cp
import numpy as np

from .base import Baseset
from .batch import Batch
from .dsindex import DatasetIndex
from .named_expr import F
from .pipeline import Pipeline
from .components import create_item_class

[docs]class Dataset(Baseset): """ The Dataset holds an index of all data items (e.g. customers, transactions, etc) and a specific action class to process a small subset of data (batch). Attributes ---------- batch_class : Batch index : DatasetIndex or FilesIndex indices : class:`numpy.ndarray` an array with the indices p : Pipeline Actions which will be applied to this dataset preloaded : data-type For small dataset it could be convenient to preload data at first train : Dataset The train part of this dataset. It appears after splitting test : Dataset The test part of this dataset. It appears after splitting validation : Dataset The validation part of this dataset. It appears after splitting """ def __init__(self, index, batch_class=Batch, *args, preloaded=None, cast_to_array=True, copy=False, **kwargs): """ Create Dataset Parameters ---------- index : DatasetIndex or FilesIndex or int Stores an index for a dataset batch_class : Batch or inherited-from-Batch Batch class holds the data and contains processing functions preloaded : data-type For smaller dataset it might be convenient to preload all data at once. As a result, all created batches will contain a portion of preloaded. cast_to_array : bool whether to cast preloaded data to array when creating components data copy : bool whether to copy data from `preloaded` when creating a batch to alow for in-place transformations **kwargs : dict additional dataset attributes or `cv_split` parameters """ if batch_class is not Batch and not issubclass(batch_class, Batch): raise TypeError("batch_class should be inherited from Batch", batch_class) super().__init__(index, *args) self.cast_to_array = cast_to_array self.batch_class = batch_class self.preloaded = preloaded self._data_named = None self._attrs = None kwargs['_copy'] = kwargs.get('_copy', copy) self.n_splits = None cv_kwargs = {item: kwargs.pop(item) for item in ['method', 'n_splits', 'shuffle'] if item in kwargs} if cv_kwargs.get('n_splits') is not None: self.cv_split(**cv_kwargs) self.create_attrs(**kwargs)
[docs] def create_attrs(self, **kwargs): """ Create attributes from kwargs """ self._attrs = list(kwargs.keys()) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, attr, value)
[docs] def get_attrs(self): """ Return additional attrs as kwargs """ if self._attrs is None: return {} return {attr: getattr(self, attr, None) for attr in self._attrs}
@property def data(self): """ Return preloaded data """ if self.preloaded is None: return None if self.batch_class.components is not None and self._data_named is None: self._data_named = create_item_class(self.batch_class.components, source=self.preloaded, cast_to_array=self.cast_to_array) if self._data_named is not None: return self._data_named return self.preloaded def __getattr__(self, name): if name[:2] == 'cv' and name[2:].isdigit(): raise AttributeError("To access cross-validation call cv_split() first.") if 'batch_class' in dir(self) and \ self.batch_class.components is not None and name in self.batch_class.components: return getattr(, name) raise AttributeError(f"{name} not found in class {self.__class__.__name__}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataset(cls, dataset, index, batch_class=None, copy=False, **kwargs): """ Create a Dataset object from another dataset with a new index (usually a subset of the source dataset index) Parameters ---------- dataset : Dataset Source dataset index : DatasetIndex Set of items from source dataset which should be in the new Dataset batch_class : type a subclass of Batch class copy : bool whether to create a copy of the dataset or use the same instance wherever possible Returns ------- Dataset """ if (batch_class is None or (batch_class == dataset.batch_class)) and cls._is_same_index(index, dataset.index): if not copy: return dataset if copy: index = cp.copy(index) bcl = batch_class if batch_class is not None else dataset.batch_class return cls(index, batch_class=bcl, preloaded=dataset.preloaded, **{**dataset.get_attrs(), **kwargs})
def __copy__(self): return self.from_dataset(self, self.index, copy=True)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Make a shallow copy of the dataset object """ return cp.copy(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def build_index(index, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if instance of the index is DatasetIndex if it is not - create DatasetIndex from inputs Parameters ---------- index : DatasetIndex or any Returns ------- DatasetIndex """ if isinstance(index, DatasetIndex): return index return DatasetIndex(index, *args, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _is_same_index(index1, index2): """ Check if index1 and index2 are equals Parameters ---------- index1 : DatasetIndex index2 : DatasetIndex Returns ------- bool """ return (isinstance(index1, type(index2)) or isinstance(index2, type(index1))) and \ index1.indices.shape == index2.indices.shape and \ np.all(index1.indices == index2.indices)
[docs] def create_subset(self, index): """ Create a dataset based on the given subset of indices Parameters ---------- index : DatasetIndex or np.array Returns ------- Dataset Raises ------ IndexError When a user wants to create a subset from source dataset it is necessary to be confident that the index of new subset lies in the range of source dataset's index. If the index lies out of the source dataset index's range, the IndexError is raised. """ indices = index.indices if isinstance(index, DatasetIndex) else index if not np.isin(indices, self.indices).all(): raise IndexError return type(self).from_dataset(self, self.index.create_subset(index))
[docs] def create_batch(self, index, pos=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a batch from given indices. Parameters ---------- index : DatasetIndex Indices of dataset objects that should be included into batch pos : bool Whether `index` contains elements positions. Defaults to False Returns ------- Batch Notes ----- If `pos` is `False`, then `index` should contain the indices that should be included in the batch, otherwise `index` should contain their positions in current index. """ if not isinstance(index, DatasetIndex): index = self.index.create_batch(index, pos, *args, **kwargs) return self.batch_class(index, dataset=self,, copy=self._copy, **kwargs)
[docs] def pipeline(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Start a new data processing workflow Parameters ---------- config : Config or dict Config lets you initialize variables in the Pipeline object, e.g. for the augmentation task Returns ------- Pipeline """ return Pipeline(self, *args, **kwargs)
@property def p(self): """A short alias for `pipeline()` """ return self.pipeline() def __rshift__(self, other): """ Parameters ---------- other : Pipeline Returns ------- Pipeline Pipeline object which now has Dataset object as attribute Raises ------ TypeError If the type of other is not a Pipeline """ if not isinstance(other, Pipeline): raise TypeError(f"Pipeline is expected, but got {type(other)}. Use as dataset >> pipeline") return other << self
[docs] def cv(self, n): """ Return a dataset which corresponds to n-th CV split """ if n > self.n_splits - 1: raise ValueError(f"The dataset has been split into fewer splits than {n}") return getattr(self, 'cv' + str(n))
[docs] def CV(self, expr): """ Return a dataset which corresponds to the fold defined as NamedExpression """ return F(
[docs] def cv_split(self, method='kfold', n_splits=5, shuffle=False): """ Create datasets for cross-validation Datasets are available as `cv0`, `cv1` and so on. And they are already split into train and test parts. Another way to access these splits is `train.cv0`, `train.cv1`, ..., `test.cv0`, `test.cv1`, ... Note that each pair (e.g. `cv0.train` and `train.cv0`) refers to the very same instance of a dataset, i.e. if you change `train.cv0`, `cv0.train` will also change. Parameters ---------- method : {'kfold'} a splitting method (only `kfold` is supported) n_splits : int a number of folds shuffle specifies the order of items (see :meth:`~.DatasetIndex.shuffle`) Examples -------- :: dataset = Dataset(10) dataset.cv_split(n_splits=3) print(dataset.cv0.test.indices) # [0, 1, 2, 3] print(dataset.cv1.test.indices) # [4, 5, 6] print(dataset.cv2.test.indices) # [7, 8, 9] print(dataset.test.cv0.indices) # [0, 1, 2, 3] print(dataset.test.cv1.indices) # [4, 5, 6] print(dataset.test.cv2.indices) # [7, 8, 9] """ # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition if self.n_splits is not None: for i in range(self.n_splits): cv_attr = 'cv'+str(i) delattr(self, cv_attr) if self.train is not None: delattr(self.train, cv_attr) if self.test is not None: delattr(self.test, cv_attr) self.n_splits = n_splits order = self.index.shuffle(shuffle) if method == 'kfold': splits = self._split_kfold(n_splits, order) else: raise ValueError("Unknown split method:", method) self.train = self.copy() self.test = self.copy() self.train.n_splits = self.n_splits self.test.n_splits = self.n_splits for i in range(n_splits): test_indices = splits[i] train_indices = np.concatenate([split for j, split in enumerate(splits) if i != j]) setattr(self, 'cv'+str(i), self.copy()) cv_dataset = getattr(self, 'cv'+str(i)) cv_dataset.train = self.create_subset(train_indices) cv_dataset.test = self.create_subset(test_indices) setattr(self.train, 'cv'+str(i), cv_dataset.train) setattr(self.test, 'cv'+str(i), cv_dataset.test)
def _split_kfold(self, n_splits, order): split_sizes = np.full(n_splits, len(order) // n_splits, dtype=np.int64) split_sizes[:len(order) % n_splits] += 1 current = 0 splits = [] for split_size in split_sizes: start, stop = current, current + split_size splits.append(self.indices[order[start:stop]]) current = stop return splits def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__.copy() def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): # this warrants that all hidden objects are reconstructed upon unpickling setattr(self, k, v)